释义 |
我我 | 1164A20 90.71 | 部居
| 畫數 7 | ㄨㄛˇ [wo3] (*ㄜˇ [e3] in AC re. pr.). | Pron. | (1) I (first person), my, me: 我見 my humble opinion; 自我作古 I'll be the first (to do s.t.). (2) (*[e3]) (AC) my, our, our country: 齊師伐我 the [qi2] attacked us; 我軍 our army. (3) (*[e3]) Self: 大公無我 great impartiality excludes consideration of self; 小我 the smaller material self, “me.”
| Words | 1. 我輩 *[e3bei4], n., we (slightly litr.) 2. 我等 [wo2deng3], n., we. 3. 我每 *[e3mei0], pron., MC equiv. 我們↓. 4. 我們 [wo3men2] ([wo3men0]), pron., we, us (in extreme weak form, shortemed to wo3'm); 我們的 our. 5. 我儂 *[e3nong2], pron., (Shanghai) I, my. 6. 我曹 *[e3cao2], pron., (litr.) we.