释义 |
懸懸 | 649C00 41.72 | 部居
| 畫數 20 | ㄒㄩㄢˊ [xUan2] | V.i. & t. | (1) To hang, to suspend in midair, to hoist up, hang up: 懸在空中 suspend in midair; 懸牌 hang up a shop sign; 懸燈(結綵) hang up lantern; 懸旗 hoist up flag; 懸空 [xUan2kong0]↓. (2) To occupy the mind, be on the mind: 懸念 [xUan2nian4]↓; 懸腸掛肚 cause extreme worry and distress (腸肚 the viscera considered as the seat of emotions), see 腸 and 肚 42A.50, 42A.11).
| Adj. | (1) Overhanging, unsupported, dangerous: 懸崖 overhanging cliff; 懸崖勒馬 draw up short at overhanging cliff-with-draw sharply from imminent disaster; 懸谷 valley with steep sides. (2) (Pop.) steep: 懸得很 very steep. (3) Longstanding, unresolved: 懸案 [xUan2an4]↓; 懸缺 [xUan2qUe1]↓. (4) Different: 懸殊,懸絕,懸異 [xUan2shu1], [xUan2jUe2], [xUan2yi4]↓.
| Adv. | Based purely on conjecture, imaginary: 懸想,懸斷,懸擬 [xUan2xiang3], [xUan2duan4], [xUan2ni3]↓.
| Words | 1. 懸案 [xUan2an4], n., a longstanding, unresolved case at court; unsettled question. 2. 懸欠 [xUan2qian4], v.i., to owe in account unpaid. 3. 懸罄 [xUan2qing4], n., a suspended music stone (see 磬 11.40); symbolic of bareness: 室如懸罄 house is quite bare-living in poverty. 4. 懸揣 [xUan2chuai3], v.i., to surmise, conjecture. 5. 懸鶉 [xUan2chun2], phr., 衣若懸鶉 (AC) bedraggled dress like a beggar's (like a “quail hung upside down”). 6. 懸泉 [xUan2qUan2], n., a falling cataract. 7. 懸缺 [xUan2qUe1], n., unfilled vacancy. 8. 懸膽 [xUan2dan3], n., a long, dropping nose (“like suspended gall”). 9. 懸斷 [xUan2duan4], v.i., to judge, surmise without sufficient basis. 10. 懸法 [xUan2fa3], phr., (AC) statutes or regulations, pasted over gates, which served as public notices. 11. 懸峰 [xUan2feng1], n., overhanging cliff, perpendicular peak. 12. 懸隔 [xUan2ge2], v.i., to be separated at a distance. 13. 懸掛 [xUan2gua4], v.i., to remember always, be concerned (over s.t.). 14. 懸果 [xUan2guo3], n., (bot.) a plant, Cremocarp, with split. kernels. 15. 懸河 [xUan2he2], phr., 口若懸河 a torrent of words-symbolic of eloquence. 16. 懸衡 [xUan2heng2], phr., (AC) (1) to show (laws, etc.) as a public standard; (2) 不能與齊懸衡 would not be considered equal in power to 齊. 17. 懸乎 [xUan2hu0], v.i., depend on. 18. 懸弧 [xUan2hu2]1, phr., (AC) to give birth to a son (“hang a bow” on the door). 19. 懸壺 [xUan2hu2]2, v.i., to practise medicine (hang a gourd or bottle as shop sign). 20. 懸記 [xUan2ji4], v.t., to have constantly in mind. 21. 懸旌 [xUan2jing1], phr., 心如懸旌 (LL) my heart flutters like a pennant in the wind. 22. 懸肘 [xUan2zhou3], adv., “with raised elbow” (not resting on table)-for writing characters over a foot big. 23. 懸車 [xUan2jU1], phr., put carriage in storage-resign from government. 24. 懸絕 [xUan2jUe2], adj., completely different, wide apart. 25. 懸軍 [xUan2jUn1], phr., (LL) isolated column of soldiers. 26. 懸曠 [xUan2kuang4], adj., (Budd.) abstruse, difficult to follow. 27. 懸空 [xUan2kong0], (1) adv., out of the blue, without basis: 懸空虛構 invent a story (by imagination); (2) v.i., to dangle: 兩腳懸空著 leave one's feet dangling without support. 28. 懸梁 [xUan2liang2], v.i., “suspend from a beam”-hang oneself. 29. 懸門 [xUan2men2], n., (AC) a portcullis, suspended gate which could be dropped. 30. 懸念 [xUan2nian4], v.i. & t., to think of (person in absence). 31. 懸擬 [xUan2ni3], v.i. & t., to conjecture (a plan), to imagine, surmise. 32. 懸瀑 [xUan2pu4], n., a cataract, waterfalls. 33. 懸賞 [xUan2shang3], v.i., to announce award (for wanted criminal, etc.). 34. 懸想 [xUan2xiang3], v.i., to imagine. 35. 懸象 [xUan2xiang4], n., (AC) astronomical phenomena. 36. 懸心 [xUan2xin1], v.i., be worried, concerned. 37. 懸首 [xUan2shou3], v.i., to display chopped-off head (of criminal, rebel) usu. over city gate. 38. 懸殊 [xUan2shu1], adj., different (in situation, circumstances, etc.). 39. 懸虛 [xUan2xU1], adj., abstruse, incredible (talk); unfounded. 40. 懸榻 [xUan2ta4], phr., (allu.) to extend great welcome (“letting down a bunk” reserved for special friend). 41. 懸談 [xUan2tan2], v.i., make a rambling, discursive talk. 42. 懸望 [xUan2wang4], v.i., to wish, to long for, think of longingly, hope in the distance. 43. 懸異 [xUan2yi4], adj., see [xUan2shu1]↑.