释义 |
懶懶 | 398C50 22A.80-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 19 | ㄌㄢˇ [lan3] . [Var.嬾] | Adj. | Idle, lazy, indolent: 懶惰 [lan3duo4]↓; 貪懶 unwilling to work; 偷懶 ditto; 好吃懶做 caring for nothing but eating; 懶東西,懶小子 a lazy fellow; 懶傢伙 ditto; 懶洋洋 spiritless, take everything in a leisurely way; 懶懶的 idly, leisurely.
| Words | 1. 懶蟲 [lan3chong2], n., (abusive) a lazy person, lazybones. 2. 懶蛋 [lan3dan4], n., lazybones. 3. 懶待 [lan3dai0], adj., disinclined to, not in the mood to: 又懶待吃東西 not disposed to eat anything; 懶待理他 won't like to speak to him (see [lan3de0]↓). 4. 懶怠 [lan3dai4], adj., indolent. 5. 懶得 [lan3de0], adj., not disposed or too tired to do anything (=懶待 [lan3dai0]↑). 6. 懶凳 [lan3deng4], n., formerly, a bench inside the main entrance of a house. 7. 懶惰 [lan3duo4], adj., lazy, idle. 8. 懶骨頭 [lan3gu2tou0], n., lazybones. 9. 懶驢愁 [lan3lU2chou2], n., a stiff, short whip used by donkey drivers. 10. 懶散 [lan2san3] (also Peking dial. [lan3san0]), adj., indolent, careless. 11. 懶腰 [lan3yao0], v.i., as in 伸懶腰 to stretch oneself.