释义 |
憑憑 | 955C30 63.72 | 部居
 | 畫數 16 | ㄆㄧㄥˊ [ping2] | N. | Support, supporting evidence: warrant, certifying paper: 以此為憑 this will serve as certification; 空口無憑 formula for certificate “as oral promise is not enough”; 憑據,憑照,憑證 [ping2jU4], [ping2zhao4], [ping2zheng4]↓; 文憑 diploma.
| V.t. | (1) Lean on: 憑欄遠眺 or 憑眺 leaning on balcony and looking at the distance. (2) Base on, rely on, use as permit: 你憑甚麼說這話 what is your basis for saying so? 憑券入場 admission by ticket; 憑良心說 (say this on one's conscience) to be fair; 憑高臨下 advantage of commanding position overlooking below; 憑險 (of fort) based on natural strategic position (mountain pass, etc.). (3) Let, with sense equiv. Eng. “come what may”: 憑他怎麼說 let him say what he will; 憑他怎樣罵我 let him say what nasty things he wants; 憑你怎樣 do your damnedest (I will not yield).
| Words | 1. 憑弔 [ping2diao4], v.i., evoke sense of the past by looking at old historical places. 2. 憑仗 [ping2zhang4], n. & v.t., basis for support; to rely on (s.t. or s.o.). 3. 憑照 [ping2zhao4], n., certificate, permit. 4. 憑證 [ping2zheng4], n., evidence. 5. 憑褶 [ping2zhe2], n., passbook, like savings passbook. 6. 憑藉 [ping2jie4], n. & v.t., reliance, support; rely on (connections, etc.). 7. 憑準 [ping2zhun3], n., reliable standard. 8. 憑據 [ping2jU4], n., (usu. wr.) evidence; basis for belief. 9. 憑空 [ping2kong1], adv., without ground or basis: 憑空杜撰 create groundless rumors. 10. 憑恃 [ping2shi4], n. & v.t., see [ping2jie4]↑. 11. 憑依 [ping2yi1], n. & v.t., see [ping2jie4]↑.