释义 |
慶慶 | 900A35 61.82-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄑㄧㄥˋ [qing4] | N. | (1) A surname. (2) Occasion for celebration, congratulations or such rites: 慶典 [qing4dian3]↓; 壽慶 birthday celebration; 國慶 national day; 喜慶,大慶,吉慶 celebration on some happy occasion; 慶弔 occasions for celebration (wedding, etc.) and condolences (funeral). (3) Blessings: 餘慶 many blessings.
| V.t. | Congratulate (person, upon occasion): 慶賀,慶祝 [qing4he4], [qing4zhu4]↓; 慶壽 to celebrate birthday; 慶功宴 dinner celebrating completion of campaign, etc; 普天同慶 day for universal or national celebration; 慶賞 to celebrate (compaign) by giving awards.
| Words | 1. 慶典 [qing4dian3], n., rites of celebration. 2. 慶賀 [qing4he4], v.t., to congratulate (person); celebrate (occasion). 3. 慶會 [qing4hui4], n., meeting for celebration. 4. 慶祝 [qing4zhu4], v.t., to congratulate; pray for blessings. 5. 慶幸 [qing4xing4], v.i., to rejoice: 不勝慶幸 have great cause for rejoicing. 6. 慶慰 [qing4wei4], v.i., feel happy on occasion. 7. 慶雲 [qing4yUn2], n., auspicious clouds.