释义 |
慰慰 | 777B25 52.72 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄨㄟˋ [wei4] | V.t. | To comfort, to console (person, soldier, patient): 慰問,慰安 [wei4wen4], [wei4an1]↓; 慰情勝無 a little gift for comfort is better than nothing; 慰留 [wei4liu2]↓; 勸慰 to calm down one in distress or anger; 安慰,撫慰 to show kindness and consideration, to allay fear of distress; 自慰 to comfort oneself (by thinking, remembering, etc.); 聊堪告慰 this may be a comfort for you to know.
| Adj. | Comforted (p.p.); happy (oft. in letters): 喜慰happy; 得來札甚慰 very happy to get your letter.
| Words | 1. 慰安 [wei4an1], v. t., to comfort, console the distressed. 2. 慰解 [wei4jie3], v. t., to console by making one see that. 3. 慰藉 [wei4jie4], v. t. & n., to render comfort, to console; p.p. to feel relieved. 4. 慰勞 [wei4lao4], v. t., to comfort soldiers by gifts, entertainment, etc. 5. 慰留 [wei4liu2], v. t., to beg (person) not to quit. 6. 慰問 [wei4wen4], v. t., to visit (the sick, distressed). 7. 慰唁 [wei4yan4], v. t., to console (the bereaved).