释义 |
慮慮 | 327C10 21A.72 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄌㄩˋ [lU4] | N. & v.i. & t. | (1) Be concerned, worry: 慮及 concerned about (future); 憂慮,愁慮 worry, fear for; 疑慮 worry in uncertainty; 遠慮 be concerned about distant future, also n., farsightedness, forethought; 無慮數百 may well run into hundreds. (2) Plan, consider: 考慮:他答應要考慮 he promised to consider; 謀慮,計慮 plan and consider (future); 深謀遠慮 great foresight and plan for the future; 焦慮 worrying anxiously.