释义 |
慢慢 | 400C35 22A.82-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄇㄢˋ [man4] | Adj. & adv. | (1) Slow: 慢點(兒)go slowly; “wait a minute” (said to contradict s.o.), also 且慢; 慢打法器 don’t play up the music yet, i.e., don't let people know yet; 慢騰騰 [man4teng0teng0], annoyingly slow, very slowly, see 慢慢的 [man4man0de1]↓; 慢工出巧器 or 出細活 slow work means careful work. (2) Careless, -ly, rude, -ly: 慢待,輕慢 to treat (s.o.) cheaply; 傲慢 proud; 怠慢 (court. of oneself) fail in hospitality, also to neglect (work); 慢藏誨盜 phr., to be careless (of jewels, etc.) is to invite thieves. (3) (MC) don’t: 慢道,慢說=莫道,莫說 it couldn’t be that, somewhat similar to Eng. “you don't say.”
| Words | 1. 慢車 [man4che1], n., local train, opp. 快車 express. 2. 慢火 [man4huo3], n., slow fire. 3. 慢驚風 [man4jing1feng1], n., (Chin. med.) a children's disease (a mild flu). 4. 慢臉 [man4lian3], n., (MC) full, handsome face (=曼 41.82). 5. 慢慢的 [man4man0de1], adv., very slowly: 慢慢騰騰 [man4man0teng0teng0], adv., very slowly. 6. 慢世 [man4xi4], adj., cynical. 7. 慢性病 [man4xing4bing4], n., chronic disease; 慢性(兒)(子) person of slow temperament, slow in response. 8. 慢條斯理 [man4tiao2si1li3], adj. & adv., very slowly and imperturbed.