释义 |
愛愛 | 1169C50 90.82 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄞˋ [ai4] | N. | Love: 仁愛 kindness to fellowmen; 博愛 universal love, broad love for mankind: 愛惡 or 愛憎 love and hatred; 戀愛 love affair.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To like, be pleased with, be fond of: 喜愛 to like (person, place, painting, etc.); 愛好 [ai4hao4]↓. (2) To love (lover, parents, etc.): 戀愛 to be in love; 愛慕 [ai4mu4]↓; 可愛 lovable, lovely; 心愛 to love tenderly: 所心愛的人 the beloved; 溺愛 to be infatuated with (mistress, etc.) or to indulge and spoil children; 寵愛 to be fond of especially (one person); 愛莫能助 would be glad to help but cannot; 愛己及物 extend love of self to others. (3) To care for, to cherish: 愛惜,愛護 [ai4xi2], [ai4hu4]↓. (4) Be prone to, liable to: 愛哭 (child) cries most of the time; 愛笑 always ready to smile or laugh; 天熱東西愛壞,天冷花就愛死 things spoil easily in hot weather, and (many) flowers wither away in cold.
| Words | 1. 愛卿 [ai4qing1], phr., (1) dear wife; (2) formerly, (ruler to minister) dear minister, see 卿 90S.22. 2. 愛情 [ai4qing2], n., love, esp. romantic love; affection in gen. 3. 愛寵 [ai4chong3], v.t., to bestow special favor (on minister, mistress, child). 4. 愛群 [ai4qUn2], n., the love of fellowmen; also gregariousness. 5. 愛戴 [ai4dai4], v.t., to love (ruler, elder or superior). 6. 愛服 [ai4fu2], v.t., to admire from the heart. 7. 愛撫 [ai4fu3], v.t., to love and protect (child, people), fondle, caress. 8. 愛根 [ai4gen1], n., (Budd.) love and desire as the root of troubles. 9. 愛顧 [ai4gu4], v.t., (of superior) to bestow favor, to take interest in (one below). 10. 愛國 [ai4guo2], (1) v.t., to love one's country; (2) n. & adj., patriotism, -tic; n., 愛國心 patriotism. 11. 愛好 [ai4hao4], v.t., (1) to take good care of (one's health, natural endowments); (2) to admire, be fond of (dress, gambling, joking); (3) ([ai4hao3]) want to be good, to desire a good name: 愛好兒,他們兩家是愛好兒做親 they are married for love. 12. 愛護 [ai4hu4], v.t., to cherish, support and protect (country, church, etc.). 13. 愛繼 [ai4ji4], phr., choice of heir by preference and not by seniority (應繼). 14. 愛著 [ai4zhuo2], n., (Budd.) the entanglements of love and desire. 15. 愛憐 [ai4lian2], v.t., to love (child, young girl), to show tenderness toward. 16. 愛美 [ai4mei3], phr., love of beauty: 愛美的觀念 esthetic sense. 17. 愛慕 [ai4mu4], v.t., to love, adore (lover, a great writer, etc.). 18. 愛染 [ai4ran3], n., (LL) see [ai4zhuo2]↑. 19. 愛人 [ai4ren2], n., (1) lover, sweetheart, one's beloved: 愛人兒 ditto; (2) adj., lovely: 這姑娘長得真愛人兒 this girl has grown very lovely. 20. 愛日 [ai4ri4], phr., (1) (LL) the precious days left for serving old parents; (2) be economical of time; (3) lovable sunshine. 21. 愛神 [ai4shen2] n., goddess of love, Venus (Roman myth.), Aphrodite (Greek myth.). 22. 愛小 [ai4xiao3], adj., greedy for small gains or profits. 23. 愛惜 [ai4xi2], v.t., to love and cherish, see [ai4hu4]↑. 24. 愛憎 [ai4zeng1], phr., love and hatred, likes and dislikes.