释义 |
悉悉 | 1164A55 90.72 | 部居
| 畫數 11 | ㄒㄧ [xi1] | V.i. | (LL) to know (=知); 知悉 know; 聞悉 have heard or learned; 敬悉 (court., after reading your letter) “respectfully” learn.
| Adj. & adv. | (LL) all: 悉力,悉心 [xi1li4], [xi1xin1]↓; 悉為所有 was all taken by s.o.; 悉棄所學 abandon all one has learned before (after meeting a new master); 悉數 [xi1shu4]↓.
| Words | 1. 悉力 [xi1li4], adv., with all one's strength. 2. 悉心 [xi1xin1], adv., with concentrated effort. 3. 悉數 [xi1shu4], (1) adv., the entire amount: 悉數歸公 the entire amount was confiscated or contributed to the public; (2) ([xi1shu3]) v.t., tell or enumerate all.