释义 |
恨恨 | 384B45 22A.02-5 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄏㄣˋ [hen4] | N. | Hatred: 懷恨在心 cherish a grudge or hatred; 深仇大恨 great enmity, deep hostility; 長恨歌 Song of Eternal Regret.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To hate: 恨入骨髓 to hate with all one's soul (“to the marrow”); 恨他 hate him. (2) To be exasperated, anxious: 恨不得 very anxious to: 恨不得插翅歸家 wish only if one could grow wings and fly home; 恨他不肯寫信 be exasperated at his failure to write. (3) To regret: 悔恨 regret deeply (some past event); 可恨 it is regrettable that, also hateful.
| Adj. | (1) Regretful. (2) Hateful: 恨事 something lamented; 恨人 a frustrated man given to regrets.