释义 |
乾乾 | 164C00 10S.70-9 | 部居
| 畫數 11 | ㄍㄢ [gan1] (*ㄑㄧㄢˊ [qian2] ). | N. | (1) (*[qian2]) The first of the eight diagrams (八卦), denoting the principle of heaven, the sovereign, the male and strength (cf. 坤 11A.22); see compp.↓. (2) Dry, preserved meat, fruit: 牛肉乾 treated and preserved beef; 豆腐乾 partially dehydrated bean curd; 餅乾 biscuit. (3) (*[qian2]) A surname.
| V.t. | (1) (Coll.) to scold: 我又乾了他一頓 I gave him a scolding. (2) To cold-shoulder (person): 把咱們又乾起來了 gave us again the cold shoulder; 乾著他,別理他 leave him in the cold, ignore him.
| Adj. | (1) Dry: 乾巴 [gan1ba0]↓; 擦乾 wipe dry; 晒乾 to sun dry, sundried; 乾淨 [gan1jing4]↓; 乾柴烈火 (youth and girl) caught in passion; 乾裂,乾旱 [gan1lie4], [gan1han4]↓. (2) Dried up: 喝乾了 drink up all in a glass; 乾杯 [gan1bei1]↓; 井水乾了 well has dried up; 乾電池 dry battery. (3) Finished, cleaned out: 輸乾了 cleaned out in gambling, see 乾淨 [gan1jing4]↓. (4) Adopted (relation) not related by blood: 乾爹 adopted father; 乾兄弟,乾姊妹 adopted brothers, sisters; see 乾爹,乾媽,乾兒 (子),乾娘 [gan1die1], [gan1ma1], [gan1e2]([zi3]), [gan1niang2]↓ etc. (5) Cash in place of gift: 乾禮 [gan1li3]↓; 折乾 give gifts in cash.
| Adv. | (1) In vain: 乾著急 exasperated and anxious and can do nothing about it; 乾瞪眼 stare helplessly; 乾撂臺 fail to turn up for appointment. (2) Without tears or other liquids: 乾咳 a dry cough (without phlegm); 乾哭,乾嚎,乾號 howling without tears; 乾嘔 vomit and throw up nothing; 借乾舖 borrow a bed for the night in singsong house (“without moisture”). (3) Only, with nothing else: 乾憑這點本事 (person) has only this bit of skill; 乾靠你一份薪水 depend only on your salary (for household expenses).
| Words | 1. 乾巴 [gan1ba0]([er0]), adj., dried up (lake bottom): 乾巴巴的 all dry and hard; 乾巴疵裂 tough and coarse (person, thing). 2. 乾爸 [gan1ba1], n., see [gan1die1]↓. 3. 乾繃兒 [gan1beher0], (1) n., a kind of baked cake; (2) adj., very dry. 4. 乾杯 [gan1bei1], v.i., bottoms up. 5. 乾貝 [gan1bei4], n., dried, preserved edible ligaments of a species of clam, Altrina japonica (also wr. 干貝, cf. 江瑤柱 63A.30). 6. 乾癟 [gan1bie3], n., dry and cracked, (of person) thin, skinny, emaciated: 乾癟臭虫 (Shanghai dial.) person without a cent. 7. 乾冰 [gan1bing1], n., artificial ice-block. 8. 乾乾 (1) *[qian2qian2], v.i., (AC, LL) to strive ceaselessly; (2) [gan1gan1], adj., 乾乾淨淨 see [gan1jing4]↓; [gan1gan1], 乾乾兒的 empty-handed (to visit without presents). 9. 乾親 [gan1qin1], n., adopted relative. 10. 乾道 *[qian2dao4], n., the male principle, principle of action. 11. 乾爹 [gan1die1], n., adopted father. 12. 乾兒(子) [gan1e2]([zi3]), n., adopted son. 13. 乾飯 [gan1fan4] n., usu. cooked rice as dist. 稀飯 gruel or congee. 14. 乾粉 [gan1fen3], n., dry 粉條 (vermicelli made from bean flour, not yet soaked in water). 15. 乾綱 *[qian2gang1], n., the sovereign's power; (facet.) husband's power: 乾綱大振 (不振) husband reestablishes his power vis-a-vis his wife (be henpecked). 16. 乾果 [gan1guo3], n., dried or preserved fruit. 17. 乾旱 [gan1han4], n., drought. 18. 乾涸 [gan1he2], adj., dried up (water, also finances). 19. 乾宅 *[qian2zhai2], n., (LL) bridegroom's family (used during wedding). 20. 乾淨 [gan1jing4], adj., (1) clean (room, dress); (2) cleaned up: 輸乾淨了 (cash) all cleaned up at gambling; 乾乾淨淨,一乾二淨 all finished, cleared up without remainder. 21. 乾渴 [gan1ke3], adj., very thirsty. 22. 乾枯 [gan1ku1], adj., dried up (leaves, ideas). 23. 乾坤 *[qian2kun1], n., (1) the principles of heaven and earth or male and female; (2) the universe; (3) husband-and-wife relationship. 24. 乾酪 [gan1lao4], n., cheese. 25. 乾糧 [gan1liang0], n., (1) not perishable foodstuff, such as grains bean; (2) dehydrated food, army food supplies or those that can be carried on a long foot journey. 26. 乾裂 [gan1lie4], adj., (wood, soil) dry and cracked. 27. 乾禮(兒) [gan1li3] ([gan1lie3er0]), n., cash gifts: 送乾禮兒 give cash on festive occasions. 28. 乾餾 [gan1liu4], v.i., (chem.) dry distillation. 29. 乾媽 [gan1ma1], n., adopted mother. 30. 乾麵 [gan1mian4], n., flour. 31. 乾沒 [gan1mo4], v.t., confiscate, appropriate what is not one's own. 32. 乾娘 [gan1niang2], n., adopted mother. 33. 乾女兒 [gan1nU3er0], n., adopted daughter. 34. 乾熱 [gan1re4], n. & adj., dry heat; (weather) scorching hot. 35. 乾象 *[qian2xiang4], n., heaven, as symbol of [qian2] principle. 36. 乾笑 [gan1xiao4], v.i., to make a forced smile. 37. 乾洗 [gan1xi3], v.i., dry-clean. 38. 乾薪 [gan1xin1], n., sinecure: 拿乾薪 draw salary without work. 39. 乾瘦 [gan1shou4], adj., shrivelled, haggard (appearance.) 40. 乾癬 [gan1xUan3], n., ringworm skin disease, with discolored patches covered with scales. 41. 乾血癆 [gan1xUe4lao2], n., (Chin. med.) amenorrhoea; anemia. 42. 乾絲 [gan1si1], n., fine shreds of bean curd. 43. 乾苔 [gan1tai2], n., (bot.) enteromorpha. 44. 乾菜 [gan1cai4], n., (1) various kinds of pickled or sun-dried vegetables; (2) a meal served without soup. 45. 乾脆 [gan1cui4], (1) adj., straightfoward: 他做人很乾脆 he is very straightforward; (2) adv., simply and without hesitation or mincing words: 他說話乾脆 he does not beat about the bush; 不如乾脆把這筆賬勾掉 it would be simpler to write it off as bad debt; 乾脆就做把 do it then without further discussion; (3) adj., (food) crisp: 又乾又脆. 46. 乾攢 [gan1zan3], adj., very thrifty, trying every way to save. 47. 乾造 *[qian2zao4], n., (fortunetelling) a man's horoscope. 48. 乾燥 [gan1zao4], adj., (weather) dry; 乾燥劑 (chem.) dryer, substance which absorbs moisture; 乾燥器 (chem.) desiccator. 49. 乾曜 *[qian2yao4], n., (LL) the sun. 50. 乾咽 [gan1ye4], v.i., to sob. 51. 乾元 *[qian2yUan2], n., heaven.