释义 |
怕怕 | 393A35 22A.41-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄆㄚˋ [pa4] | N. | A surname.
| V.i. & t. | Fear, be afraid, be afraid of: 怕死 afraid of death; 怕老婆 (coll.) be henpecked; 怕得很 be very much afraid; 怕見人 afraid to see people; 怕什麼 what are you afraid of? or, don't be afraid; 怕事 afraid of upsets, such as lawsuits; 怕的是 what I am afraid of is that; 怕不 afraid not=afraid (double negative, like lest it should not): 怕不也還要三四十天功夫 afraid it will take 30-40 days yet; 怕是不成吧 I rather think, I am afraid, it can't be done; also 恐怕,畏怕,懼怕 afraid, fear (vb. & n.).
| Words | 1. 怕人 [pa4ren2], adj., (1) shy; (2) terrifying, shockingly bad. 2. 怕臊 [pa4sao4], adj., bashful. 3. 怕羞 [pa4xiu1], adj., ditto.