释义 |
怎怎 | 1352A25 92.72 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄗㄣˇ [zen3] | Adv. | How, why: 怎麼 [zen3me0], 怎樣 [zen3yang4]↓; 怎好,怎厲害 how good, how cruel (question and statement); 不知怎好 don't know what to do.
| Words | 1. 怎地 [zen3de0]1, adv., (1) why: 你等阻當我卻怎地 why are you barring my way? 你問我怎地 why are you asking me? (2) =怎的 (2)↓. 2. 怎的 [zen3de0]2, adv., (1) why: 和尚怎的不見 why isn’t the monk here? (“why don't we see him?”); (2) how: 那人怎的打扮 how is the man dressed? 3. 怎得 [zen3de2], phr. & adv., (1) phr., how could…: 怎得如此 how could you (he) do such a thing? (2) ([zen3de0]) adv., how: 你怎得知道 how do you know it? 4. 怎敢 [zen2gan3], phr., (rhet.) how dare I (we)? 5. 怎麼 [zen3me0] ([zen3me0]), adv., (1) why: 你怎麼不來 why didn't you come? (2) how: 這怎麼好,怎麼辦 what shall we (I) do? (“how to handle this?”); (3) however, whatever: 怎麼說他也不聽 he will not listen, however you speak to him, whatever you say; adv., (4) excl., what! 怎麼,你還在這兒麼 what! are you still here? 6. 怎麼樣 [zen3me0yang4], phr., (1) how is (s.o., s.t.): 你看這枝筆怎麼樣 what do you think of this pen? 那個病人怎麼樣 how is that patient? phr., (2) what’s the matter: 你要怎麼樣 what's the matter with you? are you looking for trouble? 7. 怎奈 [zen3nai4], phr., (1) except that, but for: 待不尋思,怎奈心腸軟 I would not think of him any more, except that my heart would not allow me not to; (2) unfortunately: 怎奈他不聽話 unfortunately he will not listen. 8. 怎能 [zen3neng2], phr., how could (it be possible, one do such a thing)? 9. 怎生 [zen3sheng1], adv., (MC) how. 10. 怎樣 [zen3yang4], adv., see [zen3me0yang4]↑.