释义 |
忍忍 | 732C25 50.72 | 部居
![](Images/linyutang/Lexis/Lindict/Radical/rad_gif/rad61.gif) | 畫數 7 | ㄖㄣˇ [ren3] | V.i. & t. | (1) V.t., endure, suffer, tolerate, bear: 容忍 be tolerant of; 忍耐 [ren3nai4]↓; 忍氣吞聲 suffer indignities without a protest; 忍涕 refrain from crying; 忍痛 endure pains silently; 忍尤含垢 passively accept insults and humiliations; 忍住這口氣 suppress one's anger, control oneself without blowing up; 忍受 [ren3shou4]↓; 忍辱 [ren3ru4]↓; 忍字心頭一把刀 even the most forbearing, if provoked too far, may become desperate; 忍無可忍 come to the end of one’s patience, to tax one's patience to the limit; 忍饑,忍餓 suffer hunger (starvation); 百姓弗能忍 the people can no longer tolerate (such excesses). (2) Would not, short for 豈忍 (“how could”): 忍更思量 how could I think of it again? 宗族忍相遺 you wouldn't leave your family and clan, would you? (3) V.i., (coll.) live in seclusion, cut oneself off from the outside world. (4) (Coll.) take a nap.
| Adj. | Cruel, merciless: 殘忍 ruthless.
| Words | 1. 忍冬 [ren3dong1], n., (bot.) the honeysuckle (also 金銀花). 2. 忍垢 [ren3gou4], v.i., meekly submit to insults: 忍垢貪生 allow oneself to be insulted to remain alive. 3. 忍教 [ren3jiao4], phr., how could one bear to: 忍教兒啼饑號寒 how could I bear to let my child cry from hunger and cold? 4. 忍俊 [ren3jUn4], v.i., to smile gently: 忍俊不住 (禁) cannot help smiling. 5. 忍耐 [ren3nai4], v.t., endure patiently. 6. 忍辱 [ren3ru4], v.i., meekly accept abuses, insults: 忍辱負重 discharge one's duties conscientiously in spite of slanders. 7. 忍性 [ren3xing4], v.i., restrain oneself, try to be patient. 8. 忍心 [ren3xin1], adj., hardhearted, unfeeling, pitiless: 忍心害理 ruthless and devoid of human feelings. 9. 忍受 [ren3shou4], v.t., endure, suffer (cold, hunger, privations, physical pain, mental anguish). 10. 忍事 [ren3shi4], v.i., put up with adversities. 11. 忍死 [ren2si3], v.i., hold on to life and save it for some worthy cause.