释义 |
忌忌 | 732B40 50.72 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄐㄧˋ [ji4] | N. | Anniversary of the death of one's father or mother: 忌辰 [ji4chen2]↓.
| V.t. | (1) To envy, to hate: 忌恨 [ji4hen4]↓; 忌刻 [ji4ke4]↓; 猜忌 be suspicious and jealous of; 疑忌 ditto; 妒忌 be envious of. (2) To dread, to fear: 忌憚 [ji4dan4]↓; 畏忌 be afraid of. (3) Shun, avoid: 忌賭,忌酒,忌煙 abstain from gambling, wine, tobacco; 忌嘴 [ji4zui3], 忌口 [ji4kou3]↓; 忌諱 [ji4]-(') [hui4]↓; 禁忌 taboos: 百無禁忌 nothing is taboo; 童言無忌 children say what they like.
| Words | 1. 忌辰 [ji4chen2], n., date of the death of one's father or mother. 2. 忌憚 [ji4dan4], v.i., have scruples: 肆無忌憚 utterly unscrupulous. 3. 忌恨 [ji4hen4], v.t., be jealous of and hate. 4. 忌諱 [ji4hui4] ([ji4hui0]), n., (1) taboos; (2) (northern coll.) another name for vinegar. 5. 忌刻 [ji4ke4], adj., mean and cruel. 6. 忌口 [ji4kou3], v.i., avoid certain foods. 7. 忌門 [ji4men2], n., formerly, taboo for women from other clans to visit family during New Year. 8. 忌日 [ji4ri4], n., see [ji4chen2]↑. 9. 忌嘴 [ji4zui3], v.i., see [ji4kou3]↑.