释义 |
必必 | 1057A20 72.72 | 部居
 | 畫數 5 | ㄅㄧˋ [bi4] | V.aux. & adv. | Must, be certain to; certainly: 必死 be certain to die; 必是 must be; 必能 must be able to; 必可 will certainly be able to; 未必 cannot be sure; 未必不成 cannot be certain it will fail; 未必如意 cannot be certain to turn out as you wish; 何必 is it necessary to…? why the need (for taking so much trouble, being angry, etc.); 敢必 I can be sure that; 必殺無赦 will be executed according to law; 必不可少 is a necessity; 雖未可必 although one cannot be certain; 必經之路 the only route or point on route which must be passed; 必傳之作 work destined to go down to posterity; 必定 [bi4ding4], 必需,必須 [bi4xU1]1,2↓.
| Words | 1. 必必剝剝 [bi4bi4bo4bo4], v.i., crackle (like burning logs). 2. 必得 [bi4de2], v.i., must: 必得走一趟 simply have to make a trip; 必得如此 must do it this way. 3. 必定 [bi4ding4], v.i. & aux., must: 必定失敗 certainly must fail. 4. 必方 [bi4fang1], n., mythical god of fire (also wr. 畢方). 5. 必恭必敬 [bi4gong1bi2jing4], adj. & adv., phr., very polite(ly). 6. 必然 [bi4ran2], adj. & n., (the) inevitable, the logically necessary: 必然之事 or 事有必然 the necessary and inevitable, what is bound to happen; adj. & n., 必然性 [bi4ran2xing4], n., inevitability. 7. 必修科 [bi4xiu1ke1], n., (in school) compulsory subject or course. 8. 必需 [bi4xU1]1, v.t., need, vitally need (a thing, help, etc.): 必需品 a necessity (during travel, etc.); dist. from 必須 [bi4xU1]2, an aux. vb.↓ 9. 必須 [bi4xU1]2, v.i. & t. & aux., must: 必須看他 must see him. 10. 必要 [bi4yao4], v.i. & t. & n., a need, need to, certainly want to: 我必要去 I am determined to go; 沒有必要 there is no need.