释义 |
徵徵 | 1292A55 91B.82-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄓㄥ [zheng1] (*ㄓˇ [zhi3] ). | N. | (1) (*[zhi3]) the note sol in pentatonic scale, see 五 音 31.30. (2) Evidence, proof, symbol: 象徵 characteristic, symbol (of progress, etc.); 徵兆,徵驗 [zheng1zhao4]2, [zheng1yan4]↓; 明徵 clear evidence; 有徵 is supported by proof; 無徵之言 baseless talk; see V.t.4↓.
| V.t. | (1) To enlist, recruit for government service: 徵兵 [zheng1bing1]↓; 徵募,徵召 [zheng1mu4], [zheng1zhao4]1↓; 徵才 call men to power. (2) To solicit, ask for (contributions, etc.): 徵稿 solicit articles for magazines; 徵文 ask for contributions of essays; 徵婚啟事 advertisement “marriage wanted”; 應徵,徵答 answer to calls or requests. (3) To collect taxes: 徵稅 ditto; 徵斂,徵收 [zheng1lian3], [zheng1shou1]↓. (4) To adduce or serve as evidence: 杞不足徵也 (AC) the city of Jii (杞) cannot provide adequate evidence (of the ancestral customs of 夏).
| Words | 1. 徵辟 [zheng1bi4], v.t., (AC) to appoint a scholar without degree or rank to office. 2. 徵兵 [zheng1bing1], v.i., to recruit soldiers. 3. 徵求 [zheng1qiu2], v.t., to ask for: 徵求同意 ask for consent; 徵求會員 canvass for new members; look for: 徵求材料 look for research material, etc. 4. 徵調 [zheng1diao4], v.t., to recruit soldiers and requisition army supplies. 5. 徵發 [zheng1fa1], v.t., ditto. 6. 徵歌 [zheng1ge1], phr., call for singsong girls to assist at dinners. 7. 徵候 [zheng1hou4], n., foreboding signs or indications. 8. 徵召 [zheng1zhao4]1, v.t., to summon for imperial interview or appointment. 9. 徵兆 [zheng1zhao4]2, n., omen, augury. 10. 徵集 [zheng1ji2], v.t., to assemble, collect from the public (men, material, opinions). 11. 徵逐 [zheng1zhu2], v.i., to pursue after pleasures: 徵逐聲色 indulge in wine, song or with women, see [zheng1ge1]↑. 12. 徵斂 [zheng1lian3], v.i., to collect (taxes). 13. 徵募 [zhen1mu4], v.t., to recruit (soldiers). 14. 徵信 [zheng1xin4], v.i., to show evidences, gain confidence: 不足徵信 credibility gap; 徵信錄 published account of receipts and expenditures; directory of credit information. 15. 徵收 [zheng1shou1], v.t., to collect (dues, taxes). 16. 徵士 [zheng1shi4], n., formerly, scholars who have received emperor's call to service. 17. 徵詢 [zheng1xUn2], v.t., to gather or ask for: 徵詢意見,同意 ask for opinion, consent. 18. 徵驗 [zheng1yan4], n., evidence, proof of results. 19. 徵引 [zheng1yin3], v.t., to quote from books, to adduce (proof).