释义 |
徒徒 | 1294C00 91B.82-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄊㄨˊ [tu2] . [Dist.徙 91B.83] | N. | (1) Disciples: 門徒 disciples; 徒子徒孫 generations of followers of a school. (2) Followers of a group, gang: 教徒 followers of a religion; 叛徒 rebels; 酒徒 drunkards; 匪徒 bandits; 無賴之徒 group of ruffians.
| Adj. | Barehanded: 徒手 barehanded; 徒手致富 make a fortune starting from scratch; 徒步,徒行 go on foot; 徒跣 (LL) barefoot(ed); 徒搏 fight barehanded; 徒杠 footbridge.
| Adv. | In vain, merely: 徒有其表 have good appearance only (of man); 徒有皮毛 superficial, without substance; 徒勞無功(無補,無益) work in vain, wasted effort; 徒托空言 make empty promises; 徒喚奈何 regret in vain; 非徒 not only; 非徒無益,而又害之 worse than useless; 非徒如此 not only this (=非但); 徒費脣舌 waste one's breath.
| Words | 1. 徒兵 [tu2bing1], n., foot soldier (=步兵). 2. 徒步 [tu2bu4], adv., on foot. 3. 徒弟 [tu2di0], n., monk’s or boxer's disciple; apprentice in trade, crafts. 4. 徒然 [tu2ran2] ([tu2ran0]), adv., in vain: 徒然無功 in vain, without results. 5. 徒刑 [tu2xing2], n., (law) hard labor. 6. 徒手 [tu2shou3], adv., barehanded.