释义 |
徑徑 | 1290A40 91B.30-3 | 部居
| 畫數 10 | ㄐㄧㄥˋ [jing4] | N. | (1) A narrow path: 曲徑 winding paths; 捷徑 a short cut; 小徑 a footpath; 徑路 [jing4lu4]↓; 路徑 (lit. & fig.) a route, way, path; 行不由徑 don't take short cuts. (2) Diameter: 半徑 the radius; 徑三尺 three feet in diameter; 圓徑 diameter; 徑寸 one inch in diameter.
| Adv. | Straightforward, forthwith (interch. 逕): 徑行 [jing4xing2]↓.
| Words | 1. 徑路 [jing4lu4], n., a footpath. 2. 徑賽 [jing4sai4], n., (athletics) a track meet. 3. 徑行 [jing4xing2], v.i., act freely, impulsively. 4. 徑庭 [jing4ting2], adj., directly opposite, mutually incompatible: 大相徑庭 (AC) there is a vast difference between the two.