释义 |
律律 | 1288C05 91B.02-5 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄌㄩˋ [lU4] | N. | (1) Law, statute, regulation: 法律 law; 規律 regulations, rules; 軍律 military regulations, discipline; 刑律 criminal code; 校律 school discipline; 紀律 discipline. (2) Name of poetic form, see 律詩 [lU4shi1]2↓. (3) Standard pitch pipe, see 律呂 [lU4lU2]↓.
| V.t. | To discipline, guide by principle: 律己甚嚴 guide his own conduct by severe rules; 律人 to measure others by certain standards; 律以重典 punish, deal with (person) by law against great crimes (such as treason).
| Words | 1. 律例 [lU4li4], n., statutes (litr. code and case law). 2. 律令 [lU4ling4], n., command, order. 3. 律呂 [lU4lU2], n., (AC) twelve standard pitch pipes of musical half-tones; musical scale in classical music. 4. 律師 [lU4shi1]1, n., lawyer, barrister, attorney. 5. 律詩 [lU4shi1]2, n., “standard” form of poetry, with strictly regulated tones and syllables, popular since Tarng Dynasty; 五律(七律) such poems of eight lines with five (seven) words each; 排律 standard poem with unlimited number of lines; see 絕 句 93B.70.