释义 |
彼彼 | 1293B20 91B.82-2 | 部居
| 畫數 8 | ㄅㄧˇ [bi3] | Pron. | (AC) (LL) he; him (equiv. vern. 他): 彼曰 he says; 彼哉,彼哉 oh, that fellow! 彼亦人也,我亦人也,吾何畏彼哉 he is a man, I am also a man, why should I be afraid of him? 彼一時也,此一時也 the times are different, not comparable; 彼蒼者天 phr., the sky as personified dispenser of justice.
| Adj. | (LL) that, the other: 彼時,彼地 that time, that place; 彼人 that person (equiv. vern. 那); 彼此 [bi3ci3]↓.
| Words | 1. 彼岸 [bi3an4], n., (Budd) the other shore of salvation, as contrasted with the bitter sea 苦海 of this sentient life. 2. 彼得 [bi3de2], n., Peter. 3. 彼利時 [bi3li4shi2], n., Belgium. 4. 彼此 [bi2ci3], adv., one another, each other: 彼此推讓,和好 courteous, friendly to one another; 彼此懷恨 enterain hatred one for the other; 彼此之間 between the two of them; “彼此彼此” indulge in routine courteous remarks; 不分彼此 share together.