释义 |
役役 | 1293B35 91B.82-2 | 部居
| 畫數 7 | ㄧˋ [yi4] | N. | (1) (LL) battle: 滑鐵盧之役 the Battle of Waterloo. (2) Labor, labor service, conscript labor: 勞役 labor service; 軍役,兵役 military service; 于役 (AC) serve in army; 役戌 conscript labor in border regions; 現役軍人 soldier on military service. (3) Servant, worker: 差役 petty officer, office servant; 工役 laborer; 僕役 servant in gen.; 衙役 lictors, runners, underlings in [ya1men0] 衙門, magistrate's office; 役夫 worker in public works or army; 捕役 warrant officer in charge of arresting offenders.
| V.i. | (1) To serve labor at frontier. (2) To command or order s.o. as servant, be master of: 役使 [yi4shi3]↓; 以心為形役 make the mind slave to the body's material needs; 役物,不役於物 be master, and not slave, of material things.
| Words | 1. 役夫 [yi4fu2], n., servant, laborer. 2. 役人 [yi4ren2], n., ditto. 3. 役屬 [yi4shu3], v.t., (AC) to control as master. 4. 役使 [yi4shi3], (1) n., servant, messenger; (2) v.t., to control and order about (s.o. to do). 5. 役損 [yi4sun3], v.t., (MC) to weaken through overwork or cause to weaken one's health. 6. 役卒 [yi4zu2], n., petty officer; [ya1men0] servant. 7. 役役 [yi4yi4], (AC) (1) v.i., to belabor, overwork; (2) adj., servile.