

ㄧㄥˇ [ying3
N.(1)  ([ying3tz, er0]) Shadow cast by object: 投 cast shadow;
shadow in the sun;
,暗 penumbra, a blurred shadow;
相隨 two persons inseparable, like object and its shadow.
(2)  Trace: 沒兒 no trace (of person);
終日不見兒 never saw person the whole day;
沒聲沒兒 without any trace.
(3)  Image, photograph, portrait, reflection: 小 portrait, 攝 (to, a) photograph;
a memento;
to take photography as souvenir;
to fix photographic film;
,倒 reflection in water;
(4)  Short for 電 movie: 星,迷,[ying3xing1], [ying3mi2], [ying3pian4]↓.
V.i.To project a shadow: 只有松林裏著一個人 saw a human figure flit across the pine forest;
Adj.Shadowy, see [ying3ying3]↓.
Words1. [ying3bi4] ([ying3bi0]), n., a screen wall opposite gate or inside gate.
2. [ying3chao1], v.i. & n., (to make) an exact replica by hand of some old editions; to reproduce thus.
3. [ying3deng1], n., a lantern with rotating or moving shadows.
4. [ying3gai4], n., imitation, forgery of trademark goods.
5. 格(兒) [ying3ge2er0], n., exercise book with model calligraphy under a sheet for copying.
6. [ying2zhan3], n., photographic exhibition, film festival: 國際展 International Film Festival, International Exhibition of Photography.
7. [ying3jU4], n., see [ying3xi4]↓.
8. [ying3mi2], n., a movie fan.
9. 片(兒) [ying3pian4] ([ying3piaher0]), n., movie film.
10. [ying3ping2], n., movie review.
11. [ying3she4], v.t., to describe a figure in novel or to imitate on stage, in order to suggest a certain person.
12. [ying2xiang3] ([ying3xiang0]), n., (1) influence: 受人響 was in fluenced by certain person; 壞的響 bad influence; (2) hearsay and not direct testimony: 響之談.
13. [ying3xiang4], n., a portrait.
14. [ying3xi4], n., (1) movie; (2) an anc. form of projecting cut-out and manipulated paper shadows on screen, somewhat similar in effect to marionette.
15. [ying3xing1], n., a movie star.
16. [ying3zi0], n., shadow: 子內閣 shadow cabinet.
17. [ying2ying3], adj., as in 綽綽 chocho indistinct, shadowy.
18. [ying3yUan4], n., movie theater (also 戲院).





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