

ㄘㄞˇ [cai3
N.(1)  Grace in art, gracefulness: 文 graceful beauty in wood grains, literary embellishments;
stylistic brilliance.
(2)  Brilliance, lighted effect: 光 luster (of jade, etc.);
brilliance of clouds;
大放異 strange luminescence in the skies, also (fig.) flowering of talent.
(3)  Variegated colors: 五,十 different brilliant colors;
color and brilliance of precious stones.
(4)  Lottery prize: 票,[cai3piao4], [cai3tou2]↓;
,抽 draw lottery;
win lottery.
(5)  Special effects in Chin. theater: 血,火 special effects symbolizing blood, fire.
(6)  Color festoons (interch. 綵): 結 hang colored silk festoons;
red festoons for happy occasions;
無精打 listless (futile efforts at gayety);
多姿 versatile.
(7)  Dress rehearsal: 排,[cai3pai2], [cai3chang4]↓.
Adj.Colorful, of many colors: 衣,旗 dress, flag of colored patterns;
brilliant (acting, writing).
Words1. [cai3chang4], n., dress rehearsal in Chin. opera.
2. 氣 (兒) [cai3qi1](tsaai-chieh-'l), n., luck, as in winning lottery.
3. [cai3qiu2], n., ball of colored silk.
4. [cai3dan4], n., (Chin. opera) name of young female role.
5. [cai3jiao4], n., bridal sedan chair.
6. [cai2li3], n., bridegroom’s wedding gifts to bride's family.
7. [cai3pai2], n., dress rehearsal.
8. [cai3piao4], n, lottery ticket, raffles.
9. [cai3se4], adj. & n., colored: 色照片,影片,電視 color photograph, cinema, television.
10. [cai3tou2](tsaai-'tou), n., good luck (in business, gambling)





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