释义 |
張張 | 734B20 50A.02-5 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄓㄤ [zhang1] (*ㄓㄤˋ [zhang4] ). | N.adjunct. | (1) A flat piece, a leaf: 一張紙 a piece of paper; 一張告白 a public notice; 一張牌 a playing card; 一張桌 a table. (2) A piece which can be stretched or opened: 一張弓 a bow; 一張嘴 a mouth.
| N. | (1) A surname: 張 and 李 are commonly taken to mean “this ... and that”: 張三李四 Tom, Dick or Harry, this or that person, i.e., any common person; 張家長,李家短 gossip about this or that person; 張冠李戴 fasten one person's story upon another person. (2) 主張 one's decision, position one has taken, see 主 63.11.
| V.t. | (1) To stretch a bow or string: 張弓撘箭 stretch bow and fix arrow; 改弦更張 refix bowstring--change business or policy; 外張內弛 empty bombastic talk. (2) To open wide: 張口便咬 (dog) opens mouth and bites; 張口便說 talk carelessly or out of place; 張口結舌 tongue-tied; 張牙舞爪 show one's fangs and claws--ready to fight; 張手 or 張開手 open one's hand; 張眼 open one's eyes; 張望 [zhang1wang4]↓. (3) To set up: 開張 open new shop, firm, etc.; 張樂 ([zhang1yUe4]) 設飲 set up orchestra and drinks; 供張 (*[zhang4]) the setup for occasions; 張燈結綵 hang up lanterns and silk festoons. (4) To open up, expand: 擴張,伸張 (v.i. & t.) expand (market, power). (5) To boast, exaggerate: 誇張 to boast; 鋪張 to embellish for show, deceive by putting up front; 囂張 make a boisterous show or demand, (adj.) unruly.
| Adj. | Nervous: 慌張 flurried; 緊張 tense, nervous; 張皇 [zhang1huang2]↓.
| Words | 1. 張本 [zhang1ben3], n., a copy as model; a ground plan or outline for future reference. 2. 張大 [zhang1da4], v.t., to exaggerate: 張大其詞 exaggerate situation, paint picture as darker than the reality. 3. 張皇 [zhang1huang2], (1) adj., flurried, nervous: 張皇失措 nervous, lose mental control; (2) v.t., (AC) 張皇六師 to expand or increase effect of the army. 4. 張致 [zhang1zhi4], v.i., (MC) make pretense, show false modesty. 5. 張開 [zhang1kai1], v.i. & t., to open up or wide: 張開眼睛 open eyes wide; 張不開 cannot open. 6. 張狂 [zhang1kuang2], v.i., to be unruly, insolent. 7. 張羅 [zhang1luo2], (1) v.i., to set bird snares; (2) ([zhang1luo0]) (a) to attend to person's needs: 張羅鳳姐吃果酒 have wine and fruit served to Fehngjiee; (b) to try by various ways to get: 張羅銀子 try to find money for certain needs. 8. 張設 [zhang1she4], v.i. & t., to set up (curtains, tables, decorations) for occasions. 9. 張心 [zhang1xin1], v.i., to trouble oneself or person with request (=勞神). 10. 張貼 [zhang1tie1], v.t., to post (bills). 11. 張嘴 [zhang1zui3], v.i., bring up matter which is embarrassing or out of place; speak out of turn (cf. opp. 閉嘴 “shut up”). 12. 張望 [zhang1wang4], v.i., to look about or watch for (signs of enemy, etc.). 13. 張揚 [zhang1yang2], v.i., & t., to make open, publicize: 此事不可張揚起來 must hush up the matter.