释义 |
弱弱 | 740B20 50S.50-5 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄖㄨㄛˋ [ruo4] . [Usu. wr. 弱] | Adj. | (1) Weak (opp. 強 strong): 弱者 [ruo4zhe3]↓; 弱點 [ruo4dian3]↓; 強弱 strong or weak; 弱小民族 small and weak nations; 弱不勝強 the weak are no match for the strong; 弱肉強食 the weak at the mercy of the strong; 弱不禁風 (of a person) too frail to stand a gust of wind; 弱不勝衣 (rhet.) tender and frail; 孱弱 frail, weak; 虛弱 delicate, feeble; 衰弱 weak, sickly; 柔弱 flabby, flaccid; 疲弱 tired out and weak; 軟弱 weak-kneed, fickle, irresolute; 脆弱 brittle, easily broken; 體弱 physically weak; 老弱 old and infirm: 老弱殘兵 motley troops unfit for combat duty, (fig.) incompetent persons for a given job. (2) Young: 弱冠 [ruo4guan4] ↓; 弱歲 childhood; 弱齡 youthful; 弱女 a young girl; 弱不好弄 not fond of childish pranks, though young.
| V.i. | Die off, pass away: 又弱一個 another one has passed away.
| Words | 1. 弱點 [ruo4dian3], n., weaknesses, weak points. 2. 弱風 [ruo4feng1], n., southeast wind. 3. 弱冠 [ruo4guan4], n., (1) formerly, the coming of age at 20; (2) youth. 4. 弱翰 [ruo4han4], n., the writing brush. 5. 弱者 [ruo4zhe3], n., the weaker of two parties, the weak, the underdog, the weaker sex. 6. 弱植 [ruo4zhi2]1, adj., (of a person's character) weak and unable to stand up firmly. 7. 弱質 [ruo4zhi2]2, n., tender body (gen. of women). 8. 弱累 [ruo4lei4], n., the burden of rearing one's children. 9. 弱息 [ruo4xi2], n., one's children. 10. 弱行 [ruo4xing2], v.i., (AC, of a crippled person) be unable to walk properly. 11. 弱顏 [ruo4yan2], v.i., (LL) be ashamed to face others. 12. 弱音器 [ruo4yin1qi4], n., (mus.) a damper.