释义 |
延延 | 1171B15 90.83 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄧㄢˊ [yan2] | N. | A surname.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To spread about, to wind across or about (like vine): 蔓延 spread about, (vines, branches) ramify; 禍延子孫 retribution involves one’s children and children's children; 延及 (fire) spreads to (neighbors); 延袤,延蔓 [yan2mao4], [yan2man4]↓. (2) To stretch (neck): 延頸舉踵,延頸企足 crane one's neck and stand on tiptoe (to welcome, pray for coming): 延性 [yan2xing4]↓. (3) To postpone, delay: 延會 postpone meeting; 延期 [yan2qi2]↓; 推延,拖延 to keep on postponing (payments, etc.); 延擱,延遲,延滯 [yan2ge1], [yan2chi2], [yan2zhi4]↓. (4) To invite: 延聘,延請,延納 [yan2pin4], [yan2qing3], [yan2na4]↓; 延師 invite teacher to school; 延詳納福 to induce good luck.
| Words | 1. 延長 [yan2chang2], v.t., to prolong (term, meeting); 2. 延長記號 [yan2chang2ji4hao4], n., (music) pause. 3. 延企 [yan2qi4], v.i., as in 延頸企足 to stand on tiptoe to welcome, hope. 4. 延請 [yan2qing3], v.t., to invite, appoint (teacher), send for (doctor). 5. 延期 [yan2qi2], phr., to postpone, be postponed. 6. 延遲 [yan2chi2], adj., slow to arrive, delay. 7. 延宕 [yan2dang4], adj., ditto. 8. 延擱 [yan2ge1], v.t., to delay, be delayed. 9. 延會 [yan2hui4], phr., postpone meeting. 10. 延胡索 [yan2hu2suo3], n., (bot.) Corydalis ambigua. 11. 延接 [yan2jie1], v.t., to extend hand of welcome. 12. 延 [yan2zhu4], v.i., see [yan2qi4]↑. 13. 延滯 [yan2zhi4], v.i., to be bogged down, keep on delaying. 14. 延攬 [yan2lan3], v.t., to search for and invite (good, able men). 15. 延蔓 [yan2man4], v.i., spread about, ramify (as vines). 16. 延袤 [yan2mao4], v.i., (of Great Wall, mountain range) to spread about, stretch far and wide. 17. 延命菊 [yan2ming4jU2], n., (bot.) Belis perennis. 18. 延納 [yan2na4], v.t., to invite (good, able men). 19. 延年 [yan2nian2], phr., 延年益壽 (of tonic) calculated to prolong one's life. 20. 延聘 [yan2pin4], v.t., to invite, appoint (professors, etc.). 21. 延釐 [yan2xi1], formula for inviting luck, oft. wr. on wall facing gate. 22. 延性 [yan2xing4], n., (phys.) ductility. 23. 延壽 [yan2shou4], v.i., to prolong life. 24. 延髓 [yan2sui3], n., (physiol.) medulla oblongata. 25. 延譽 [yan2yU4], v.i., (LL) to spread fame for s.o.; to cultivate publicity.