释义 |
也也 | 371C35 22.70 | 部居
 | 畫數 3 | ㄧㄝˇ [ye3] | Fin. part. | (1) (LL) indicating what s.t. is: 兵甲不多,非國之災也 not to have a strong army is not the real trouble for a nation; oft. 者…也:仁者人也 [ren2] is to be human; 義者宜也 [yi4] means to be just; sometimes=modn. 了:我去也 here I go! (2) Indicating a caesura or break in mid-sentence: 夫子之至於是邦也,必聞其政 when the Master came to a country, he always tried to find out about its government; 古也,墓而不墳 in anc. days, a grave was made without a mound.
| Adv. | (1) Also: 你去,我也去 you go and I go, too; 我也要去 I want to go also; 不哭也不鬧 (child) neither cries nor makes any trouble; 也就 and so; 也曾 also had; 也有 there also is; 也有道理 also is reasonable; 再也休提 don't mention it again. (2) Used in sentence beginning, like Eng. “might as well”: 也罷 might as well call it off, or let it be! 也行,也好 all right (I agree).
| Words | 1. 也麼哥 [ye3mo2ge1], fin. part., (MC oft. in Yuarn drama) indeed: 兀的不苦殺人也麼哥 how exasperating indeed! 2. 也許 [ye2xU3], adv., perhaps, maybe. 3. 也似 [ye3si4], part., like: 雪花也似 (=似雪花) 申奏將來 the complaints come like snowflakes.