释义 |
庇庇 | 896A30 61.70-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄅㄧˋ [bi4] | V.t. | Give shelter, protection to (person).
| Words | 1. 庇短 [bi4duan3], (=護短) v.i., be partial and willing to overlook shortcomings. 2. 庇護 [bi4hu4], v.t., to shelter, protect (person); 政治庇護 political asylum. 3. 庇蔭 [bi4yin4], v.t. & n., protect, -tion, by providing riches, property, influence (to posterity). 4. 庇佑 [bi4you4] v.t. & n., protect, -tion, and bless, -ing (of God).