释义 |
九九 | 1218B40 91.70 | 部居
 | 畫數 2 | ㄐㄧㄡˇ [jiu3] | N. & adj. | The number nine: 九月 September; 九一八事變 The Mukden Incident of September 18, 1931.
| Words | 1. 九成 [jiu3cheng2], n., (1) (mus.) nine movements; (2) ninety percent: 九成新 90% new. 2. 九竅 [jiu3qiao4], n., the orifices of the body. 3. 九重 [jiu3chong2], n., (1) the sky (formerly, believed to be of nine strata, 九重天 being the highest); (2) the palace grounds. 4. 九泉 [jiu3qUan2], n., Hades, the underworld. 5. 九鼎 [jiu2ding3], n., the nine tripods which, according to legend, were cast by Emperor Yu and handed down from dynasty to dynasty as symbols of imperial authority. 6. 九陔 [jiu3gai1], n., see [jiu3tian1]↓. 7. 九 [jiu3gao1], n., a marsh, swamp. 8. 九歸 [jiu3gui1], n., (abacus) division by divisors not greater than “9”. 9. 九宮格 [jiu3gong1ge2], n., (callig.) squares into which each page of a copybook is divided (so called from the nine small squares forming a big one). 10. 九迴腸 [jiu3hui2chang2], adj., (of lovers) pining after one another, wasting away through grief. 11. 九九 [jiu2jiu3], n., (1) the period of eighty-one (9×9) days counting from the winter solstice; (2) (math.) multiplication of the numbers 1 to 9 by the same numbers seriatim; 九九表 the multiplication table up to nine times nine. 12. 九連環 [jiu3lian2huan2], n., a toy consisting of nine interlocking links. 13. 九流 [jiu3liu2], n., the nine schools of thought in anc. China. 14. 九牛 [jiu3niu2], n., as in 費盡九牛二虎之力 spent a tremendous amount of labor or money; 九牛一毛 a drop in the ocean. 15. 九如 [jiu3ru2], n., birthday felicitations (“nine best wishes”). 16. 九霄 [jiu3xiao1], n., the farthest limits of the sky. 17. 九死 [jiu2si3], phr., 九死一生 a ten percent chance to survive. 18. 九天 [jiu3tian1], adj., high up in the heaven, sky-high. 19. 九頭鳥 [jiu3tou2niao3], n., (1) an evil omen; (2) a tricky person. 20. 九族 [jiu3zu2], n., (1) the nine generations from great-great-grandfather down to one's great-great-grandson; (2) nine generations of paternal and maternal relatives. 21. 九五 [jiu2wu3], n., the royal prerogative or position: 九五之尊. 22. 九垠 [jiu3yin2], n., the utmost limits of the sky. 23. 九幽 [jiu3you1], n., the nether world, hell. 24. 九淵 [jiu3yUan1], n., an abyss, a deep chasm. 25. 九原 [jiu3yUan2], n., a cemetery, graveyard.