释义 |
干干 | 444B45 31.10 | 部居
 | 畫數 3 | ㄍㄢ [gan1] | N. | (1) A shield: 干戈 [gan1ge2], 干城 [gan1cheng2]↓. (2) Short for 天干 (甲,乙,丙,丁,戊,己,庚,辛,壬,癸) the decimal cycle of ten characters by which the Chinese reckon their years, see Appendix A; 干支 [gan1zhi1]↓. (3) The edge of a body of water: 江干 a river bank. (4) A surname.
| V.t. | (1) Offend against: 干犯 [gan1fan4]↓. (2) (Related 關) to concern, interfere with: 干預,干涉,干係,干連[gan1yU4]3, [gan1she4], [gan1xi4], [gan1lian2]↓; 相干 be concerned with; 與你何干 what has this to do with you? 干你何事 it's none of your business; 干鄉底事 ditto; 事不干己 it doesn't concern me; 不干我事 it's none of my concern; 干政 take an active part in politics. (3) Entreat, seek, request: 干求,干進,干祿,干謁 [gan1qiu2], [gan1jin4], [gan1lu4], [gan1ye4]↓.
| Adj. | (1) 若干 how many? (2) These, those, some: 那干人 those people; 又一干人 another group of people. (3) (Var. of 乾)dried: 豆腐干 dried bean curd.
| Words | 1. 干貝 [gan1bei4], n., dried meat of tendons of big clams. 2. 干城 [gan1cheng2], n., (1) defense works, fortifications; (2) soldiers fighting for the country: 國之干城 heroic defenders of the nation. 3. 干求 [gan1qiu2], n. & v.t., entreat(y), request: 經不起他一再干求 cannot resist his persistent requests. 4. 干犯 [gan1fan4], v.t., (1) hurt the feelings of; (2) encroach upon; (3) infringe upon (regulations). 5. 干戈 [gan1ge2], n., (1) shield and spear, weapons of war in gen.; (2) wars, fighting, armed forces: 干戈四起 fighting broke out all over the country; 逞干戈 resort to military might. 6. 干進 [gan1jin4], v.i., seek official preferment. 7. 干支 [gan1zhi1], n., short for 天干 and 地支(子,丑,寅,卯,辰,巳,午,未,申,酉,戌,亥),the twelve characters by which the Chinese reckon the hours of a day; the combination of one character from 天干 and another from 地支 forms a term by which a year or date is known; the orderly series of such possible combinations yield sixty different terms to designate a cycle of sixty years; when one cycle ends, another begins all over again; see Appendix A. 8. 干連 [gan1lian2], v.t., to implicate, be implicated in. 9. 干祿 [gan1lu4], v.i., seek official position. 10. 干冒 [gan1mao4], v.t., offend, hurt the feelings of (superior). 11. 干涉 [gan1she4], n. & v.t., (1) take part in (policy); be implicated or involved in; interfere with: 干涉內政 interfere with internal affairs of a nation; (2) (phys.) interference. 12. 干係 [gan1xi4], n., relations(hip) (=關係). 13. 干休 [gan1xiu1], v.t., give up (a fight, quarrel, etc.): 不肯干休 refuse to stop dispute. 14. 干時 [gan1shi2], v.i., be opportunist, go along with the current trends. 15. 干謁 [gan1ye4], v.t., seek to interview (s.o.) with requests for favors. 16. 干譽 [gan1yU4]1, v.i., seek popular recognition. 17. 干與 [gan1yU4]2, v.t., intervene, interfere. 18. 干預 [gan1yU4]3, v.t., ditto.