

N.(1)  Teacher: 老 teacher (of any age or sex);
父,[shi1fu0], [shi1fu4]↓;
respect for teachers;
生關係 relation of teacher and pupil;
範,資,[shi1fan4], [shi1zi1], [shi1biao3]↓.
(2)  Attached to term of address of various professional people: 醫,律 doctor, lawyer;
clergyman, pastor;
工程,建築 engineer, architect;
會計 public accountant;
理髮,廚 barber, cook.
(3)  (Mil.) a division: [shi1zhang3]↓;
裝甲 armored division;
步兵 infantry division;
(4)  Gen. term for troops, army or navy: 雄 a great army;
recall troops;
the navy, naval squadron;
出無名 send army out without a righteous cause.
V.t.To imitate: 其所長 learn from person his good points;
古 to imitate the ancients;
事,[shi1shi4], [shi1fa3]↓.
Words1. [shi1bao3], v.t., as in (AC) 保萬民 to act as teacher and protector to the people.
2. [shi1biao3], n., the model: 為人表 be model for others; 萬世表 “the teacher for all age” (title conferred upon Confucius).
3. [shi1bi3], n., (AC) girdle hook.
4. [shi1cheng2], n., the succession of teachings from master to disciples; 承記 such record showing how oral tradition was handed down.
5. [shi1dao4], n., the teacher's status and position of respect.
6. [shi1di4], n., (1) master and pupil; (2) formerly, address of a junior fellow student.
7. [shi1fa3], (1) v.t., to imitate: 法古人 imitate the ancients; (2) n., tradition, technique handed down by master; (3) (AC) strategy (=兵法).
8. [shi1fan4], (1) n., the teacher as model for others; (2) adj. normal: 範學校,大學 normal school, teachers’ college; (3) v.t., (LL) to take (s.o.) as model.
9. [shi1fu0], n., (1) see [shi1fu4]↓; (2) address of respect to monks or nuns; (3) common address of certain professions, like “Master”: 木匠父,廚父 “master” carpenter, “master” cook.
10. [shi1fu4], n., (1) (LL) teacher, tutor, master; (2) ([shi1fu0]) ditto.
11. [shi1fu3], n., (LL) teachers and friends in learning.
12. [shi1gan1], v.t., (AC) defense forces.
13. [shi1gu1], n., address of nun (“teacher-aunt”).
14. [shi1zhang3], n., (1) division commander; (2) teachers and elders.
15. [shi1jie3], n., address of elder fellow girl student; teacher's daughter older than oneself.
16. [shi1lU3], n., troops in gen. (“divisions and brigades”).
17. [shi1mei4], n., address of younger fellow girl student; teacher's daughter younger than oneself.
18. [shi1men2], n., formerly, school of a private teacher or master (=之門下).
19. [shi1mu3], n., respectful address of teacher's wife or of wife of elderly friend.
20. [shi1niang2], n., (coll.) ditto.
21. [shi1po2], n., priestess, sorceress.
22. [shi1xin1], phr., 心自用 not willing to listen to advice, act and show overconfidence in oneself.
23. [shi1shuai4], n., as in (AC) 民之帥 guide and model for the people.
24. [shi1shi4], v.t., to serve (s.o.) as master or teacher; to be taught by.
25. [shi1xiong1], n., (1) address of fellow student, one's senior; (2) teacher's son older than oneself; (3) oft. address of one of younger generation, whose father is one's friend: 兄幾位 how many sons have you? 兄弟兒 [shi1xiong1dieher0], fellow students, students of same tutor (formerly, a clsoer relationship).
26. [shi1tai4], n., (sl.) teacher's wife, see [shi1mu3]↑.
27. [shi1tuan2], n., army corp.
28. [shi1tu2], n., teacher and pupil (relationship).
29. [shi1zi1], n., (1) standard and quality of teachers: 資缺乏 lack of good teachers; (2) model and example: 善人者不善人之也,不善者人之資也(老子) the good are model for the bad, and the bad are examples (of warning) for the good.
30. [shi1ye2], n., (1) formerly, teacher’s teacher or teacher's father; (2) ([shi1ye0]) formerly, scholar or expert in law and bureaucratic matters in a magistrate's office: 紹興爺 expert in legal briefs, usu. from 紹興 county.
31. [shi1you3], n., teachers and friends.





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