释义 |
希希 | 1138B10 82.22 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄒㄧ [xi1] | V.i. | To hope to: 希望,希冀 [xi1wang4], [xi1ji4]↓; 希能為力 I hope it may help; 希可即復 hope to be favored with an early reply; 尚希笑納 hope you will graciously accept.
| V.t. | To strive for, aim at: 希求 [xi1qiu2]↓; 希寵 strive for superior's favor; 希榮 strive for high honors; 希聖,希賢 strive for the ideal of a sage, a wise man; 希風 emulate s.o.’s example.
| Adj. | (1) Rare: 希有,希奇,希罕 [xi1you3], [xi1qi2], [xi1han3]↓; 希世之寶 an extremely rare treasure; 古希 seventy years of age (“rate since old times”). (2) Indiscernible: 希聲 (AC) sound which can hardly be heard; 希微,希夷 [xi1wei2], [xi1yi2]↓.
| Words | 1. 希企 [xi1qi4], v.i. & t., to hope for (to). 2. 希求 [xi1qiu2], v.t., to hope for (to): 希求上進 hope to make progress. 3. 希奇 [xi1qi2], (1) v.t., consider as rare: 不希奇 is quite common; (2) adj., rare (object); adj., curious (story). 4. 希罕 [xi1han3], (1) [xi1han1] or [xi1han3]) v.i. & t., consider as valuable: 我不希罕他的好意殷勤 I don't appreciate (in fact I despise) his attentions; (2) adj., rare (object, event). 5. 希冀 [xi1ji4], v.i. & t., (LL) to hope to (do s.t.); to strive for (progress, favor, etc.). 6. 希旨 (指) [xi1zhi3], v.i., to cater to a superior's wishes. 7. 希臘 [xi1la4], n., Greece. 8. 希世 [xi1shi4], (1) adj., extremely rare; (2) (AC) 希世而行 do things to win popularity. 9. 希特勒 [xi1te4le4], n., Hitler. 10. 希圖 [xi1tu2], v.i. & t., see [xi1ji4]↑. 11. 希望 [xi1wang4], v.i. & t. & n., hope: 希望你早日回來 hope you will return soon; 他的希望不大 he does not expect too much. 12. 希微 [xi1wei2], adj., infinitesimal. 13. 希夷 [xi1yi2], (1) n., another name for 靈芝 31D.30, an auspicious plant; (2) phr., (AC) indiscernible by ear (希) and invisible (夷). 14. 希有 [xi1you3], adj., very rare.