释义 |
布布 | 219B50 12.22 | 部居
 | 畫數 5 | ㄅㄨˋ [bu4] | N. | Cloth, usu. of cotton, also used generally of textiles: 布褂,布袍 cotton jacket, gown; 布衣 [bu4yi1]; 布簾 padded cotton door screen used in the north; 布鞋,布襪 cotton shoes, cotton socks; 檯布 tablecloth; 尿布 diaper, etc.; 布鼓雷門 phr., make a fool of oneself by foolish display.
| V. i. & t. | (1) To spread, publish, make known (sometimes also wr. 佈): 宣布 announce; 公布 publish (statutes, lists of candidates, etc.); 散布謠言 spread gossip; 傳布聖道 spread gospel; 布種 sow seeds. (2) To set or plan: 布網 cast or drop net, set snares; 布局 plan strategy, structure of story, composition of painting; 布棋局 make plan of moves in chess; 布陣 deploy troops; 布防 deploy patrols; 布白 plan blank spaces in painting.
| Words | 1. 布帛 [bu4bo2], n., cottons and silks. 2. 布袋 [bu4dai4], n., jute bags, calico sack; 布袋戲 marionette play. 3. 布丁 [bu4ding1], n., pudding. 4. 布爾喬亞 [bu4er2qiao2ya4], n., bourgeois. 5. 布爾施維黨 [bu4er2shi1wei2dang3], n., Bolsheviks. 6. 布告 [bu4gao4], n., public notice; v. i., make public announcement: 布告天下 make known to the world. 7. 布景 [bu4jing3] (also wr. 佈景), n., set, backdrop for scenes in plays; background of landscape, paintings. 8. 布置 (also 佈) [bu4zhi4], v.t. & n., to arrange, -ment; interior decor, garden arrangement; placing of troops in strategic places of characters and plot in play, etc. 9. 布疋 [bu4pi3], n., cotton cloth, piece goods. 10. 布施 [bu4shi1], v. i., (Budd.) give charities, donate to religious causes. 11. 布衣 [bu4yi1], n., “cloth gown,” as symbol of scholar not in government: 布衣之交 friends in days of simple life.