释义 |
巷巷 | 242C50 20.70 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄒㄧㄤˋ [xiang4] | N. | ([xiang4zi0], [er0]) Alleyway, alley: 大街小巷 streets and alleys; 狹巷 a narrow alley; 黑巷 a dark alley; 陋巷 (living in) a narrow lane; 萬人空巷 the whole town turns out to see some great event; 街頭巷尾 in street corners, (gossip) in the streets; 巷議 public gossip; 巷戰 battle in the streets; 巷遇 meet in an alley.
| Words | 1. 巷口 [xiang4kou3], n., exit or entrance to alley. 2. 巷陌 [xiang4mo4], n., streets and alleys, alleyway.