释义 |
已已 | 775B30 52.70 | 部居
 | 畫數 3 | ㄧˇ [yi3] . [Dist.己,巳 52.70] | Fin. part. | 也已 (LL) already, enough, expressing s.t. already done (=也矣); 而已only.
| V.i. | Stop: 不已 without stop, on and on; 無已 phr., since there is no other way; 不得已 be forced to; 死而後已 no release until death.
| Adv. | (1) Already: 已經 [yi3jing1]↓; 已去,已來 already gone, come; 會已散meeting already closed; 已久 already a long time; 已亡 already dead; 已冠 over twenty years of age (“already capped”). (2) Too, too much: 已甚 [yi3shen4]↓.
| Excl. | Well! Enough! 已而 [yi3er2]↓“nothing more to say!”
| Words | 1. 已而 [yi3er2], (1) excl., (AC) alas! “nothing more to say!” (2) adv. phr., later on (regretted it, etc.). 2. 已後 [yi3hou4], adv., later on (=以後). 3. 已經 [yi3jing1], adv., already (done, etc.). 4. 已來 [yi3lai2], adv., since (=以來). 5. 已然 [yi3ran2], adj., already so, already. 6. 已甚 [yi3shen4], phr., (1) too much, extreme: 不為已甚 do not overdo , push person too far; (2) already very, already much. 7. 已事 [yi3shi4], n., past event. 8. 已往 [yi2wang3], adj. & adv., in the past: 已往的事 s.t. bygone. 9. 已已 [yi2yi3]1, phr., refrain: 不能已已 (AC) could not refrain or stop (thinking, etc.). 10. 已矣 [yi2yi3]2, excl., of despair.