

ㄔㄚ [cha1 (*ㄔㄚˋ [cha4, *ㄔㄞ [chai1, * [ci1, *ㄘㄨㄛ [cuo1).
N.(1)  Difference, mathematical difference: 數,[cha1shu4], [cha1e2]↓;
別,[cha1bie2], [cha1yi4]↓;
,年 diurnal, annual variation;
週期變 periodic variation.
(2)  (*[chai1]) A mission, an errand: 事,[chai1shi0], [chai1yi0]↓;
,信 mailman;
official or business trip;
be sent out on official business;
on duty or serve as employee;
開小 take French leave, absent without leave.
(3)  (re. pr. *[ci1]) Grade: 等 gradation (of kinship, status);
(4)  Mistake: 錯,誤,[cha1cuo4], [cha1wu4], [cha1die2]↓.
V.t.(1)  (*[chai1]) To send (messenger, errand boy, etc.);
to appoint on duty: 使,派,[chai1shi3], [chai1pai4], [chai1qian3]↓.
(2)  (*[cha4]) Differ: 好多,得遠 differ a great deal;
不離(兒)almost right, not too much difference;
不多 [cha4bu4duo1]↓;
一點兒 ([cha4idiaaer0]) with a tiny difference, almost.
Adj.(1)  (*[cha4]) Inferior, bad: 太了,極了,多了 very bad, not up to the mark.
(2)  (*[ci1]) Disorderly, jagged: 參 mixed, not even;
see [ci1chi2] (2) ↓.
Adv.Barely: 可 will barely do, serve the purpose;
強人意 barely satisfactory, fair.
Words1. [cha1bie2], n., difference.
2. 撥 *[chai1bo1], (1) v.t., to send (s.o.); (2) (MC) petty officer.
3. 不多(兒) *[cha4bu4duo1]([er0]), adj. & adv., almost, good enough: almost (a thousand, finished, fell down, etc.).
4. 不離(兒) *[cha4bu4li2] ([cha4bu4lie2er0]), adv., almost the same, almost right.
5. 遣 *[chai1qian3], v.t., to send (servant, employee, etc.).
6. [cha1chi2], (1) n., (a) (also wr. 遲) s.t. gone wrong, untoward accident; (b) mistake in commitment: 若有半點池,我手裡不能放過你 shall not forgive you if there's the slightest mistake; (2) (*[ci1chi2]) adj., as in 池其羽 (AC) its feathers are ruffled.
7. [cha1chi0], n., see [cha1chi2]↑,
8. 等 *[ci1deng3], n., (AC) gradations (in kinship, love).
9. 點兒 *[cha4diaaer0], (1) adv., almost (fell down, etc.); (2) adj., not quite as good.
10. 跌 *[cuo1die2], n., mistake, slipup (=跌).
11. [cha1e2], n., difference in amount, quantity or number (of payment, enrolment, etc.); 借方額 debit balance; 貸方額 credit balance.
12. [cha1hao4], n., (math.) sign of difference “~”.
13. 勁 *[cha4jin4], adv. & n., falling below standard.
14. [cha1ke3], adj., barely can do.
15. 派 *[chai1pai4], v.t., to send (s.o.); assign (work).
16. 配兒 *[cha4peher0], v.i., be wrongly paired (as shoes, chopsticks).
17. 人 *[chai1ren2], (1) n., the bearer (of letter); (2) v.t., to send s.o.
18. [cha1shu4], n., the difference in number.
19. 事 *[chai1shi0], n., (1) a government post; (2) temporarily assigned duty; (3) formerly, a prisoner to be executed.
20. 使 *[chai1shi3], v.t., to send (s.o.).
21. [cha1te4], n., mistake in commitment.
22. [cha1cuo4], n., (1) mistake; (2) untoward accident.
23. 跎 *[cuo1tuo2], adj., (AC) drifting slowly (also wr. 蹉跎): 跎歲月 the years drift by.
24. 子 *[cha4zi0], n., s.t. gone wrong.
25. 委 *[chai1wei3], v.t., to appoint (s.o. to do).
26. [cha1wu4], n., mistake, error.
27. 役 *[chai1yi0], n., servant(s).
28. [cha1yi4], n., difference.





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