释义 |
巨巨 | 746C30 51.21-5 | 部居
 | 畫數 5 | ㄐㄩˋ [jU4] | N. | A surname.
| Adj. | Great, huge, immense (opp. 細 tiny, small, little): 巨富 (loosely) a millionaire, a very wealthy person; 巨盜 a notorious robber (bandit); 巨奸 a very treacherous person; 巨額 a huge sum of money, (of bank notes) large denominations; 巨擘 [jU4bo4], 巨細 [jU4xi4]↓.
| Adv. | Interch. 詎.
| Words | 1. 巨擘 [jU4bo4], n., (1) the thumb; (2) the most outstanding of all. 2. 巨蠹 [jU4du4], n., a gangster leader. 3. 巨靈 [jU4ling2], n., a monster spirit. 4. 巨人 [jU4ren2], n., giant. 5. 巨細 [jU4xi4], n. & adj., (the) big and (the) small: 事無巨細 all matters whether important or trivial. 6. 巨型 [jU4xing2], n., large model (of cars, etc.). 7. 巨室 [jU4shi4], n., (1) a mansion; (2) (AC) a family wielding great social and political influence. 8. 巨頭 [jU4tou2], n., a great leader; 三巨頭 a triumvirate; 四巨頭 the Big Four. 9. 巨子 [jU4zi3], n., (1) a leading expert; (2) a leader of 墨子 Motse school. 10. 巨萬 [jU4wan4], n. & adj, a hundred million, myriads.