释义 |
屠屠 | 784A35 52A.41-1 | 部居
| 畫數 11 | ㄊㄨˊ [tu2] | N. | (1) A surname. (2) A butcher; 屠沽 (contempt.) butchers and wine sellers - lower class of people; 屠狗 one who deals in dog meat - a contemptible profession; 過屠門而大嚼 to feast oneself in imagination at butcher's door - of vain ambition; 放下屠刀,立地成佛 lay down the butcher's knife and immediately become a buddha - admonition for repentance. (3) Butchery: 禁屠 ban butchery, a temporary measure to pacify the gods.
| V.t. | To butcher (animals, population): 屠城 to kill all residents of a conquered town.
| Words | 1. 屠 [tu2chang3], n., slaughter-house, abattoir, also called 屠宰. 2. 屠夫 [tu2fu1], n., see [tu2hu4]↓. 3. 屠戶 [tu2hu4] ([tu2hu0]), n., a butcher. 4. 屠戮 [tu2lu4], v.t., to massacre (people). 5. 屠殺 [tu2sha1], v.t., to kill, massacre (innocent people). 6. 屠蘇 [tu2su1], n., a plant; name of a wine, in some places drunk at New Year's Day as preventive against illness. 7. 屠宰 [tu2zai3], v.t., to butcher (animals) for food.