释义 |
居居 | 783B20 52A.40-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄐㄩ [jU1] (*ㄐㄧ [ji1] ). | Fin. particle. | (*[ji1]) (AC) used to express surprise: 何居? 我未之聞也 how so? I never heard of it before.
| N. | (1) Dwelling place: 居所 a dwelling place; 蝸居 (self-de-precatory) my humble home; 遷居 change residence; 別居 a villa. (2) As a part of the name of a restaurant or teahouse: 六朝居,金陵居 names of two restaurants in Nanking. (3) A surname.
| V.i. & t. | (1) V.i., live, reside, dwell: 居住 [jU1zhu4], 居留 [jU1liu2]↓; 僑居 live abroad; 客居,旅居 live away from home; 居家人等 all members of a family who live together; 居處 [jU1chu4]↓; 寄居 live temporarily, have lodgings; 起居 one’s daily activities: 起居注 a court official in charge of recording the emperor's daily activities, such a record; 閒居 live at home, not in office. (2) V.t., gather together, keep in hand: 居積 [jU1ji1], 居奇 [jU1qi2]↓; 奇貨可居 make a profit by cornering, take advantage of a rare opportunity that comes one's way. (3) V.t., serve in certain position: 居官 [jU1guan1], 居攝[jU1she4], 居中[jU1zhong1], 居間 [jU1jian1], 居首[jU1shou3]↓; 居安思危 vigilance in peace (time); 居仁由義 to walk in the path of virtue; 居之不疑 have no hesitation in assuming a high office; 屈居人下 accept an inferior status; 居身 one's way of life; 居高臨下 vantage point.
| Words | 1. 居哀 [jU1ai1], v.i., be in bereavement. 2. 居奇 [jU1qi2], v.t., (comm.) to corner (a commodity), buy up (s.t.) in order to sell it at a profit later on. 3. 居處 [jU1chu4], (1) n., residence, dwelling place; (2) v.i., live (at place), occupy (position). 4. 居多 [jU1duo1], phr., mostly, for the most part. 5. 居官 [jU1guan1], v.i., serve as an official: 居官守法 be a law-abiding official. 6. 居功 [jU1gong1], v.i., claim the credit for oneself. 7. 居長 [jU1zhang3], v.i., be the first born or the eldest. 8. 居積 [jU1ji1], v.t., amass (riches), stow away, hoard, accumulate. 9. 居家 [jU1jia1], (1) v.i., be at home; (2) n., one's daily life at home. 10. 居間 [jU1jian1], (1) v.i., serve as a go-between, or intermediary: 居間人middleman; (2) phr., in the center. 11. 居住 [jU1zhu4], v.i., live, reside, dwell. 12. 居中 [jU1zhong1], v.i., remain in the meddle: 居中調停 mediate between two parties to a dispute. 13. 居止 [jU1zhi3], v.i., (LL) live, dwell, reside: 頗堪居止 it's a nice place to live in. 14. 居留 [jU1liu2], v.i., sojourn, stay, reside: 居留地 place of (temporary) residence. 15. 居民 [jU1min2], n., a resident, an inhabitant. 16. 居然 [jU1ran2], adv., (1) unexpectedly, surprisingly; (2) offhand, easily, imperturbably. 17. 居喪 [jU1sang1], v.i., be in bereavement. 18. 居攝 [jU1she4], v.i., to act as the regent. 19. 居心 [jU1xin1], (1) v.t., have (good, bad) intentions; (2) n., intentions: 居心不良 with bad intentions; n., 居心何在 what is (his) motive? 居心叵測 with concealed intentions. 20. 居首 [jU1shou3], v.i., to head a group, come or rank first, take precedence over others. 21. 居孀 [jU1shuang1], adj., live as a widow. 22. 居士 [jU1shi4]1, n., (1) a recluse, a hermit; (2) a person practising Budd. at home. 23. 居室 [jU1shi4]2, n., (1) living quarters; (2) 男女居室 (AC) live as man and wife; (3) (AC) name of a prison. 24. 居停 [jU1ting2], n., as in 居停主人 (1) one's landlord; (2) a person employing a private tutor to teach his children. 25. 居易 [jU1yi4], v.i., live a plain, simple life.