释义 |
就就 | 877A15 60S.70-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄐㄧㄡˋ [jiu4] | V.i. & t. | (1) V.t., accomplish, achieve, realize: 成就 get s.t. done. (2) Approach, draw near, come close to: 就木 [jiu4mu4], 就位 [jiu4wei4], 就職 [jiu4zhi2], 就教 [jiu4jiao4], 就義 [jiu4yi4] ; 就逮 get arrested; 就學 [jiu4xUe2]↓. (3) Yield oneself to: 俯就 condescend to; 半推半就 (of friendly offers) half refusing, half accepting, (of amorous advances) half rejecting, half yielding; 將就 to compromise, make the best of a bad bargain. (4) Take advantage of, turn to profit: 就近 [jiu4jin4], 就時 [jiu4shi2], 就勢 [jiu4shi4]4, 就手 [jiu4shou3]↓. (5) Take (one thing) to go with (another): 就飯 [jiu4fan4], 就酒 [jiu4jiu3]↓; 吃兩口飯就一口菜 alternately take mouthfuls of meat (vegetables) and rice; 就菜 [jiu4cai4]↓. (6) V.i., will do: 這個就可,那樣就行 this, that will do.
| Adj. | Very, no other: 就此 [jiu4ci3]↓.
| Adv. | (1) Soon, at once, immediately: 他就來 he will come right away; 馬上就送過去 send this over immediately; 就要 want it at once. (2) In a certain way: 就這樣辦吧 let it be so. (3) Then: 他不來就算了 if he doesn't come, then leave him out.
| Prep. | According to: 就眼前情勢判斷 judged by present circumstances; 就事論事 take the matter on its merits.
| Conj. | (1) Supposing: 就令 [jiu4ling4], 就使 [jiu4shi3]↓. (2) Either … or: 不是你,就是他 it's either you or he; 不殺就放 either kill him or let him go; 不戰就降 either fight or surrender.
| Words | 1. 就寢 [jiu4qin3], v.i., go to bed, retire for the night. 2. 就親 [jiu4qin1], v.i., hold marriage ceremony at a place convenient to both bride and bridegroom. 3. 就道 [jiu4dao4], v.i., set off on a journey. 4. 就得 [jiu4de2], v.i., must act in a certain way, have to: 你要病好,就得吃藥 if you want to get well, you've got to take drugs. 5. 就地 [jiu4di4], adv., right on the spot: 就地正法 carry out death sentence on the spot, summary execution. 6. 就飯 [jiu4fan4], v.t., have (meat, fish, vegetables) to go with rice. 7. 就館 [jiu4guan3], v.t., formerly, serve as private tutor or secretary to an official. 8. 就和 [jiu4he0], v.i., draw near, strike a compromise. 9. 就枕 [jiu4zhen3], v.i., go to bed ("put one's head to the pillow," cf. "hit the hay"). 10. 就正 [jiu4zheng4], v.i., submit writings to s.o. for comment. 11. 就教 [jiu4jiao4], v.i., go to take lessons from teacher, ask for advice. 12. 就近 [jiu4jin4], v.i., take advantage of geographical propinquity, choose the nearer one; v.i., phr., close at hand. 13. 就酒 [jiu4jiu3], v.t., have (food) to go with wine. 14. 就職 [jiu4zhi2], v.i., take up post, assume duty. 15. 就令 [jiu4ling4], conj., even if. 16. 就木 [jiu4mu4], v.i., die ("be put in coffin"). 17. 就手(兒) [jiu4shou3] ([er0]), v.i., do s.t. that doesn't require any extra effort. 18. 就衰 [jiu4shuai1], v.i., become weak, frail, decline in physical strength. 19. 就世 [jiu4shi4]1, v.i., pass away ("pass from the world"). 20. 就事 [jiu4shi4]2, v.i., (1) take up responsibility; (2) take matter into account. 21. 就是 [jiu4shi4]3, (1) v.i., be, as a copula: 這就是王先生 this is Mr. Wang; (2) phr., that's it; phr., 我盡我的力量去辦就是 I shall make every effort to do it--that's it or that's all to be done; (3) conj., either... or: 不是他,就是你 it's either he or you; conj., not only, but also: 不但我生氣,就是他也很不高興 not only was I angry, but also he was very much displeased; (4) conj., even if: 就是打我也不怕 I shan't be afraid even if you beat me up. 22. 就勢 [jiu4shi4]4, v.i., (1) take advantage of an opportunity; (2) do s.t. that involves no extra effort. 23. 就時 [jiu4shi2], v.i., take advantage of an opportune moment. 24. 就學 [jiu4xUe2], v.i., formerly, (of pupils) go to study with a private tutor. 25. 就緒 [jiu4xU4], v.i., be put in proper order, be near completion. 26. 就使 [jiu4shi3], conj., even though. 27. 就菜 [jiu4cai4], v.t., have meat (fish, vegetables) to go with (rice). 28. 就此 [jiu4ci3], n., this very one, none other; adv., thenceforth. 29. 就位 [jiu4wei4], v.i., take seat. 30. 就養 [jiu4yang3], v.i., (1) take care of the needs of one's parents; (2) (of parents) go to live with one's son. 31. 就業 [jiu4ye4], v.i., to take up employment; 就業輔導 placement or appointments service. 32. 就醫 [jiu4yi1], v.i., see or consult a doctor. 33. 就義 [jiu4yi4], v.i., die for a just cause, pay the supreme sacrifice.