释义 |
尤尤 | 225B35 12.70 | 部居
 | 畫數 4 | ㄧㄡˊ [you2] | N. | (1) (AC) mistake: 言寡尤 few mistakes in speech. (2) Blame: 招尤 cause criticism. (3) A surname.
| V. t. | To blame: 怨天尤人 blame heaven or blame other people.
| Adj. | Strange, peculiar: 尤異,尤物 [you2yi4], [you2wu4]↓; 無恥之尤 most shameless of all.
| Adv. | Particularly, especially: 尤其 [you2qi2]↓; 尤甚 especially bad; 尤佳 especially good; 尤是 especially; 尤非 especially not; 尤可怪 particularly to be deplored; 尤不宜 particularly should not.
| Words | 1. 尤其 [you2qi2], adv., especially. 2. 尤物 [you2wu4], n., a bewitching female, femme fatable. 3. 尤異 [you2yi4], adj., strange.