释义 |
尖尖 | 376B10 22.81 | 部居
| 畫數 6 | ㄐㄧㄢ [jian1] | N. | (1) A sharp point: 筆尖 the point of a pen, a pen nib; 刀尖,針尖,槍尖 the point of a knife, needle, spear; 尖端 [jian1duan1]↓; 尖頭 the sharp end; 指尖 finger tips. (2) (Mountain) peak: 頂尖(兒) the best of its kind. (3) Meal by the roadside: 打尖 (dial.) (of travelers) have a bite at a roadside inn.
| Adj. | Sharp, pointed: 尖銳 [jian1rui4], 尖利 [jian1li4]↓; 很尖 very smart, clever; 尖細 [jian1xi4], 尖刻 [jian1ke4], 尖酸 [jian1suan1]↓.
| Words | 1. 尖兵 [jian1bing1], n., (of troops) advance guard. 2. 尖臍 [jian1qi2], n., male crabs. 3. 尖端 [jian1duan1], n., the extreme (highest) point, the pinnacle. 4. 尖尖 [jian1jian1], adj., tapering, (sharp-) pointed. 5. 尖刻 [jian1ke4], adj., (of words, speech) sharp, pointed, barbed. 6. 尖利 [jian1li4], adj., sharp (point, person). 7. 尖劈 [jian1pi1], n., a wedge. 8. 尖銳 [jian1rui4], adj., (lit. & fig.) sharp, pointed, barbed: 尖銳化 (of situation) becoming increasingly critical, aggravated. 9. 尖細 [jian1xi4], adj., fine (workmanship). 10. 尖酸 [jian1suan1], adj., (of words, speech) sarcastic, petty, mean. 11. 尖團 [jian1tuan2], n., (1) male and female crabs; (2) (Chin. opera) 尖團字 differentiated [zi0], ts and j, ch consonants.