

ㄒㄧㄠˇ [xiao3
N.The young: 老 the young and old;
wife and children.
Adj.(1)  Small in size: 舖子 a small store;
巷 an alley;
本生意 small business;
型汽車 small car;
指 the little finger;
楷 fine regular characters in small size;
築 a little villa.
(2)  Little, unimportant: 名氣 some little reputation;
便宜 petty gains;
聰明 intelligent in small ways, but oft. tricky;
意思 [xiao3yi4si0]↓;
人,[xiao3ren2], [xiao3min2]↓;
題大做 much ado about nothing;
不忍則亂大謀 who cannot take small insults or setbacks is liable to spoil big plans.
(3)  Minor, junior: 丫頭,么兒 [xiao3ya1tou0], [xiao3yao1er0]↓;
弟,妹 younger brother, sister;
[xiao3qi1], 老婆 [xiao3lao3po0]↓;
(4)  (In self-deprecation) humble, small: 僧 used by monk;
女 my daughter;
婿 my son-in-law;
門生 your humble pupil.
(5)  Lesser: 年夜,除夕 day before New Year's Eve;
至 day before 冬至 winter solstice;
重陽 day after 9th day of 9th lunar month.
Adv.A little: 立,坐 stand, sit for a while;
語 have a little talk;
別 temporary parting;
息 rest a little;
看 to despise;
Words1. 半(兒) [xiao3ban4]([xiao3ba4er0]), n., the lesser half.
2. 白臉兒 [xiao3bai2lia3er0], n., handsome, fair-complexioned, small and not muscular young man.
3. 班(兒) [xiao3ban1]([xiao3ba1er0]), n., as in 清吟班 formerly, first-class courtesan.
4. 報兒 [xiao3bao4er0], n., tabloid paper.
5. [xiao3bei4], n., (1) the younger generation, youth; (2) lout.
6. 便 [xiao3bian4], (1) v.i., to urinate; (2) n., urine.
7. 步(兒) [xiao3bu4]([er0]), adv., in leisurely steps.
8. [xiao2chan3] ([xiao2chan0]), n., abortion.
9. [xiao3chang2], n., the intestines; 腸氣 (Chin. med.) inflammation of kidneys and testicles (also called 疝氣).
10. [xiao3cheng2], n., (AC) completion of 7-year high-school course.
11. [xiao3qi1], n., concubine.
12. [xiao3qi0], adj., narrow-minded, stingy (also wr. 器).
13. [xiao2qiao3], adj., as in 巧玲瓏 (small art objects) pretty, cleverly made.
14. [xiao3qiao2], v.t., to look down upon.
15. [xiao3qie4], n., petty thief, burglar.
16. [xiao3qing1], n., (1) (bot.) indigo plant; (2) (MC) maid.
17. [xiao2chou3]1, n., roughnecks.
18. 丑(兒) [xiao2chou3]2([er0]), n., clown.
19. 雛兒 [xiao3chu2er0], n., (1) chicken; (2) a dolt, inexperienced youth.
20. 吃店 [xiao3chi1dian4], n., snack bar.
21. [xiao2qU3], n., folk song, ditty.
22. 大姐 [xiao3da4jie3], n., mature girl servant.
23. [xiao3dan4], n., Chin. opera actress.
24. 道兒 [xiao3dao4er0], n., (1) by-path; (2) irregular or illegal approach.
25. [xiao3di0], n., (1) a servant; (2) ([xiao3de1]) a young one (also wr. 底).
26. 調(兒) [xiao3diao4]([er0]), n., a song, ditty.
27. [xiao3di4], n., (court. in self-reference) younger brother.
28. [xiao3dou4], n., (1) kinds of small beans; (2) kind which turns dark red when cooked; n., 豆腐兒 [xiao3dou4fu0er0], n., a paste mixture of rice, flour and vegetable in North China; n., 豆兒 minute trifles.
29. 肚子 [xiao3du4zi0], n., region below navel.
30. [xiao3er4], n., waiter at wine shop or hotel.
31. [xiao3er2], n., (1) a child; my son; (2) ([xiao3er0]) period of childhood: 從兒 from childhood; a child, children; n., 兒科 n., pediatrics; n., 兒麻痺 poliomyelitis=polio, infantile paralysis.
32. [xiao3fan4], n., a peddler.
33. 方脈 [xiao3fang1mo4], n., pediatrics.
34. [xiao3fei4], n., tips, gratuities.
35. [xiao3fu4]1, n., region below navel; see [xiao3du4zi0]↑.
36. [xiao3fu4]2, n., see [xiao3qi1]↑.
37. 夫人 [xiao3fu1ren2], n., concubine.
38. [xiao3ge1], n., as in 哥兒們 a group of young men, also 哥們兒.
39. 歌劇 [xiao3ge1jU4], n., operetta.
40. 狗兒的 [xiao2gou3er0de0], n., affectionate term for children (“puppy”).
41. 姑(兒) [xiao3gu1]([er0]), n., husband's younger sister (also 姑子); 姑娘(兒) young girl.
42. 褂兒 [xiao3gua4er0], n., light, unlined jacket.
43. 官(兒) [xiao3guan1]([er0]), n., minor official; formerly, court. self-reference of official before superior; 官人 (MC) address for upper-class young man.
44. 鬼(兒) [xiao2gui3]([er0]), n., (1) ‘little devil”--intimate reference to mischievous boy (also 鬼頭); (2) little devils that run errands in Hell.
45. [xiao3gong1]1, n., mourning of five months for certain relatives.
46. 工(兒) [xiao3gong1]2([er0]), n., a labor hand (carrying gravel, soil in construction work, etc.).
47. [xiao3gu3], n., a tabor, taborine.
48. 孩(兒)(子) [xiao3hai2]([er0]) ([xiao3ha2er0])([zi0]), n., a child.
49. [xiao3huan2], n., a young maidservant.
50. 夥(子)(兒) [xiao2huo3]([zi0])([er0]), n., able-bodied young man.
51. [xiao3zhang4], n., tip for waiters, etc.
52. [xiao3zhao4], n., (photo) a portrait.
53. 腳(兒) [xiao2jiao3]([er0]), n., bound feet.
54. 家子 [xiao3jia1zi0] ([xiao3jia1zi3]), n., coarse, lower-class person; 家碧玉 daughter of middle-class family.
55. [xiao2jie3]1, n., an unmarried girl: 廖姐 Miss Liauh, also used for married professional women.
56. [xiao2jie3]2, v.i., to urinate.
57. [xiao3jie2], n., minor points of conduct.
58. [xiao3ji4], n., cat thistle.
59. [xiao2ji3], n., person, individual.
60. 舅子 [xiao3jiu4zi0], n., wife's younger brother.
61. [xiao3zhuan4]1, n., a short biography, biographic sketch.
62. [xiao3zhuan4]2, n., anc. script in Chirn and Hahn Dyns., simplified from 大篆.
63. 註(兒) [xiao3zhu4]([er0]), n., footnotes.
64. [xiao3jUn1], n., (AC) wife.
65. [xiao2kai3], n., regular small script.
66. [xiao3kan4], v.t., to despise, look down upon.
67. [xiao3kai1], n., (Shanghai dial.) young boss of a business.
68. [xiao3kang1], n., (1) as in 康之家 a well-to-do middle-class family; (2) period of well-organized human society (cf. 大同 12.81).
69. [xiao2ke3], adj. & adv., a little.
70. 老婆 [xiao2lao3po0], n., (coll.) concubine.
71. [xiao3lang2], n., (1) (MC) husband's younger brother; (2) (MC) a young man.
72. [xiao2li3] ([xiao2li1]), n., a petty burglar.
73. [xiao2liu3], n., see [xiao2li3]↑.
74. 零兒 [xiao3ling2er0], n., change (of coins).
75. [xiao3mai4]1, n., wheat.
76. [xiao3mai4]2, v.t., to peddle (noodles, cold drinks, etc.).
77. 米兒 [xiao2mieeer0], n., millet.
78. [xiao3min2], n., humble people; also (in self-reference toward judge) your humble servant.
79. 名(兒) [xiao3ming2]([er0]), n., childhood name at home, different from legal name.
80. [xiao3mo4], n., (Chin. opera) minor male role.
81. 拇指(頭) [xiao3mu0zhi3]([tou0]), n., the little finger.
82. [xiao2nao3], n., (physiol.) cerebellum.
83. 奶奶(兒) [xiao3nai0nai0]([er0]), n., see [xiao3qi1]↑.
84. 娘子 [xiao3niang2zi0], n., (MC) a young girl: 娘們兒 (a) (derog.) young women; (b) concubines.
85. 妮子 [xiao3ni2zi0], n., (1) (coll.) a small girl, girl of teenage; 妮兒 ditto; (2) a maidservant.
86. [xiao2nU3], n., (court.) my daughter.
87. [xiao2pin3], n., also 品文 belles-lettres, essays, sketches.
88. [xiao3pin2], adj., (rare) stingy.
89. [xiao3ren2] ([xiao3ren0]), n., (1) common people; (2) selfish or mean person; (3) used of oneself in humble intercourse; 人兒 a clay doll, figurine; 人兒書 books for children.
90. 軟兒 [xiao2rua3er0], n., a defenseless person.
91. 日子兒 [xiao3ri4ze0er0], n., (1) simple home life: 日子兒過得不錯 lead a fair simple home life; (2) the bride's day of menstruation ascertained in fixing wedding day.
92. 嬸(兒)(子) [xiao2she3]([er0])([zi0]), n., younger brother's wife.
93. [xiao3sheng1], n., (1) (court. used in self-reference, by scholars or pupils) your pupil; (2) (Chin. opera) young male actor.
94. [xiao3she2], n., (physiol.) the uvula.
95. [xiao2xiao3], adj., very small (affair), very young (child): 子兒 a young male child.
96. [xiao3xiang4]1, n., (AC) assistant.
97. [xiao3xiang4]2, n., portrait (=肖像).
98. [xiao3xiang2], n., first anniversary of parent's death.
99. [xiao3xie3], n., (spelling) small letters, (printing) lower case, “l.c.”
100. 性兒 [xiao3xing4er0], n., childish temper.
101. [xiao2xi3], n., (sl.) abortion.
102. [xiao3xin1] ([xiao3xin0]), (1) adj., careful; (2) v.i. & t., take care: 心燈火 take care of the lights; v.i. & t., 玻璃心 glass--handle gently (“fragile”).
103. 心眼兒 [xiao3xin1ya3er0], adj., narrow-minded, stingy.
104. [xiao3xing1], n., (LL) concubine.
105. [xiao3shu4], n., (math.) fraction.
106. 說(兒) [xiao3shuo1]([er0]), n., a novel; 說家 novelist; (AC) writer of anecdotes, stories.
107. 叔(子) [xiao3shu2]([zi0]), n., husband's younger brother.
108. [xiao3shi4], v.t., to despise (s.o.), regard as of no importance.
109. [xiao3shi2]1, n., snacks (noodles, dumplings, etc.).
110. [xiao3shi2]2, n., (1) an hour; (2) the young days: 時候 childhood days.
111. [xiao2xUe3], n., a solar term, see Appendix B.
112. [xiao3xUe2], n., (1) elementary school, primary school; (2) study of anc. forms, phonology and meaning of written language.
113. [xiao3xiong1], n., (court. self-reference) I, your elder brother.
114. [xiao3si1], n., manservant.
115. 帖兒 [xiao2tie3er0], n., exchange of bride’s and groom's horoscopes written on red paper.
116. 提琴 [xiao3ti2qin2], n., violin.
117. 蹄子 [xiao3ti2zi0], n., (coll., abusive) little wench.
118. 偷(兒) [xiao3tou1]([er0]), n., petty thief.
119. 菜兒 [xiao3tsaher0], n., (1) small dishes to go with rice; (2) macerated cucumbers, pickles, etc.; (3) (sl.) one browbeaten by others.
120. [xiao2tui3], n., (physiol.) the calf.
121. [xiao3zong1], n., (1) branch of younger sons of family, opp. 大宗 eldest branch; (2) Hinayana school.
122. 卒兒 [xiao3zu2er0], n., foot soldier.
123. [xiao2zu3], n., a section, division: 組會議 sectional conference, committee or subcommittee meeting.
124. 組織 [xiao2zu3zhi1], n., (Communist, underground) cell.
125. [xiao3zi4], n., (1) pet name (=[xiao3ming2]↑); (2) see [xiao3kai3]↑.
126. [xiao2zi3], n., (1) child, -ren; (2) court. self-reference; (3) ([xiao2zi0]) a boy (sometimes derog. or joc.); a boy servant.
127. 押(兒) [xiao3ya1]([er0]), n., formerly, loan at usurious interest.
128. 丫頭 [xiao3ya1tou0], n., a young maid.
129. [xiao3yang2], n., formerly, a fraction of a dollar, a dime; cf. 大洋 a dollar.
130. 么兒 [xiao3yao1er0], n., (coll.) (contempt.) a servant.
131. [xiao3yi1], n., underwear: 衣兒 formerly, pants.
132. 夜曲 [xiao3ye4qU3], n., serenade.
133. [xiao3ye2]1, n., young master (of house).
134. 姨(兒)(子) [xiao3yi2]2([er0])([zi0]), n., wife's younger sister; the youngest of maternal aunt.
135. 意思 [xiao3yi4si0], n., a small gift (small token of respect), a mere trifle.
136. [xiao3yin3], n., foreword, introduction.
137. [xiao2ying3], n., portrait, photograph.
138. 音階 [xiao3yin1jie1], n., (mus.) minor scale.
139. [xiao3yi2], v.i., go to toilet.
140. [xiao3yUe4], n., lunar month of 29 days; solar calendar month of 30 days.





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