释义 |
導導 | 1059C40 80.00 | 部居
 | 畫數 16 | ㄉㄠˋ [dao4] (sp. pr. daau). | N. | Guide: 先導,前導,嚮導 guide; 領導 leader.
| V.t. | (Oft. daau) to guide, instruct, show the way: 領導 to lead (any group); 指導 guide, instruct, show how; 誘導 induce or guide toward right conduct; 導致 to lead to, to result in, cause.
| Words | 1. 導播 [dao4bo2], v.i. & n., broadcast. 2. 導管 [dao4guan3], n., pipe, duct. 3. 導火線 [dao4huo3xian4], n., fuse, (lit. & fig.). 4. 導論 [dao4lun4], n., introduction (to book). 5. 導線 [dao4xian4], n., guideline. 6. 導向系統 [dao4xiang4xi4tong3], n., (astron.) guidance system. 7. 導師 [dao4shi1], n., tutor. 8. 導言 [dao4yan2], n., foreword (to book). 9. 導體 [dao4ti3], n., (phys.) conductor; 半導體 semiconductor. 10. 導演 [dao4yan3], v.t. & n., to direct, director (of play).