释义 |
尊尊 | 1058C35 80.00 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄗㄨㄣ [zun1] | N. | (1) A title of respect: 尊長 [zun1zhang3]↓; 令尊 (court.) your father; 尊大人 ditto; 府尊 a prefect; 邑尊 a city magistrate; 縣尊 a country magistrate. (2) (U.f.樽) a bottle, a cup, a goblet. (3) An image or statue of a god or the Buddha.
| V.t. | To respect , revere, venerate: 尊重 [zun1zhong4], 尊敬 [zun1jing4]↓; 尊王攘夷 honor the king and drive off the barbarians; 尊師重道 honor the teacher and respect his teachings.
| Adj. | (1) Venerable, honorable, respectable: 尊貴 [zun1gui4]↓. (2) High (opp. 卑low): 天尊地卑 the sky above and the earth below. (3) Your: 尊處 [zun1chu4], 尊府 [zun1fu3]2, 尊駕[zun1jia4], 尊命[zun1ming4], 尊祖 [zun1zu3]1↓.
| Words | 1. 尊卑 [zun1bei1], (1) adj., high and low; (2) n., superiors and inferiors, elders and children. 2. 尊稱 [zong1cheng1], n., your respectful name. 3. 尊前 [zun1qian2], phr., polite salutation used in letters to elders (“may I beg to lay this before you?”); phr., (尊u.f. 樽) (poet.) before wine cups, i.e., while drinking together. 4. 尊親屬 [zun1qin1shu3], n., (civil code) one's parents, grand-parents, great-grandparents, and other relatives of similar ranks. 5. 尊處 [zun1chu4], n., (court.) your home, the place where you live or work. 6. 尊崇 [zun1chong2], v.t., to honor, respect, hold in high regard. 7. 尊大人 [zun1da4ren2], n., your esteemed father. 8. 尊夫人 [zu3fu1ren2], n., (court.) your (charming) wife. 9. 尊甫 [zun1fu3]1, n., your eminent father. 10. 尊府 [zun1fu3]2, n., (1) your residence (home); (2) your eminent father. 11. 尊貴 [zun1gui4], adj., (of persons) respectable, honorable. 12. 尊公 [zun1gong1], n., (AC) your esteemed father. 13. 尊號 [zun1hao4], n., (1) titular honors conferred on the king, queen or other members of the royal family: 上尊號 to confer such honors; (2) your poetic name, see 號 40S.70. 14. 尊侯 [zun1hou2], n., (court.) (MC) your esteemed father. 15. 尊長 [zun1zhang3], n., one's elders or superiors. 16. 尊者 [zun1zhe3], n., (1) one's elders; (2) (Budd.) a saint, a sage. 17. 尊駕 [zun1jia4], n., your good self, esp. with reference to movements (駕=carriage). 18. 尊紀 [zun1ji4], n., (LL, court.) your servant. 19. 尊敬 [zun1jing4], v.t., to honor, respect, venerate, revere. 20. 尊重 [zun1zhong4], v.t., esteem, value highly; respect (rights of privacy, etc.). 21. 尊君 [zun1jUn1], (1) n., (LL) your esteemed father; (2) phr., philosophy of elevating and upholding power of a monarch. 22. 尊閫 [zun1kun3], n., (LL, court.) your (honored) wife. 23. 尊老 [zun1lao3], n., (1) to respect the aged people; (2) (LL) elderly parents. 24. 尊門 [zun1men2], n., (LL, court.) your home, residence. 25. 尊命 [zun1ming4], n., your wishes (request), instructions. 26. 尊容 [zun1rong2]1, n., (1) your looks (appearance), generally used in complim. sense but also occasionally to show contempt. 看你那副尊容 see what a spectacle you are! (2) the dignified appearance of the Buddha. 27. 尊榮 [zun1rong2]2, n., dignity and honor. 28. 尊生 [zun1sheng1], phr., to respect life. 29. 尊顯 [zun1xian3], adj., enjoying high social position. 30. 尊姓 [zun1xing4], phr., (court.) your name; may I know your name? 31. 尊屬 [zun1shu3], n., (1) relatives of higher ranks than oneself; (2) your relatives. 32. 尊師 [zun1shi1], (1) n., a Taoist priests; (2) phr., to respect one's teacher: 尊師重道 (see V.t.↑). 33. 尊兄 [zun1xiong1], n., (1) your brother; (2) “my dear elder brother,”used in letters between friends. 34. 尊宿 [zun1su4], n., (Budd.) a venerable old monk. 35. 尊堂 [zun1tang2], n., your venerable mother. 36. 尊祖 [zun1zu3]1, n., your grandfather. 37. 尊俎 [zun1zu3]2, n., plates and dishes (also wr. 樽): 折動尊(樽)俎 be sent on a diplomatic mission, serve as a diplomat. 38. 尊翁 [zun1weng1], n., your eminent father. 39. 尊嚴 [zun1yan2], adj. & n., dignified, -ity. 40. 尊彝 [zun1yi2], n., anc. ceremonial vessels.