

ㄓㄨㄢ [zhuan1
N.(1)  A surname.
(2)  Short for 門學校, see [zhuan1men2]↓: 商 commercial college;
college of physical culture;
universities and technical schools.
V.t.To monopolize, take possession alone: 美 monopolize credit, enjoy credit alone;
權,[zhuan1qUan2], [zhuan1zheng4]↓;
掌其事 take charge of matter alone.
Adj. & adv.(1)  Concentrated, devoted: 用心不 is not devoted to one thing: 心,誠,一, [zhuan1xin1], [zhuan1cheng2], [zhuan1yi1], [zhuan1zhuan1]↓.
(2)  Special, -ly confined to one subject or area: 長,[zhuan1chang2], [zhuan1li4]↓;
門,[zhuan1men2], [zhuan1ke1]↓;
攻歷史 specialize in history;
精,擅 be specially good at some field;
對他一人說 talk specially to him along;
此 (end of letter) the above is what I write about specially;
望 I wait or hope specially;
差,足 by special messenger;
用線 Lines for special use, private line;
律 special laws;
條 special clause.
(3)  Arbitrary, high-handed, tyrannical: 橫,[zhuan1heng4], [zhuan1zhi4]↓;
arbitrary, willful.
Words1. [zhuan1chai1], adv., by special messenger.
2. [zhuan1chang2], v.i. & n., to specialize in, be good specially at (oratory, criticism, etc.); a specialty: 那是他的長 that is his specialty.
3. [zhuan1che1], n., special car or train.
4. [zhuan1cheng2], adv., specially: 誠拜訪 make a special trip to call on s. o.; 誠奉復 write a reply specially.
5. [zhuan1chong3], v.i. monopolize ruler's favor.
6. [zhuan1qUan2], (1) n., full power to do s. t.; (2) v.i., to become absolute head of government.
7. [zhuan1dian4], n., special or direct telegram.
8. [zhuan1duan4], adj., arbitrary (in decisions).
9. [zhuan1heng4], adj., arbitrary, intolerant, overbearing.
10. [zhuan1zheng4], n., autocracy.
11. [zhuan1zheng1], v.i., formerly, to enjoy full powers in the field for all military decisions.
12. [zhuan1jia1], n., a specialist.
13. [zhuan1zhuan1], adv., specially: 對他吩咐 specially told him (to do s.t.).
14. [zhuan1zhi4], n., absolute monarchy; dictatorship; tyrannical government.
15. [zhuan1ke1], n., special department or subject; 科學校 technical or professional school or college.
16. [zhuan1kun3], n., formerly, an army commander with full powers in his jurisdiction.
17. [zhuan1lan2], n., (newspaper) column, feature.
18. [zhuan1li4], n., monopoly in trade, patent.
19. [zhuan1mai4], n., ditto.
20. [zhuan1men2], (1) n. & adj., a specialized science; n. & adj., a specialty; 門學校 a technological or professional school or college; (2) adv., specially: 門與我作對 obssessed in opposing me.
21. [zhuan1ming4], adv., formerly, without waiting for orders from above.
22. [zhuan1ming2], n., (gram.) proper noun.
23. [zhuan1ren4], v.t., specially appointed to take full charge of (department, case, affair, etc.); adj. & n., full-time job, opp. 兼任 concurrent.
24. [zhuan1ren2], adv., by special messenger.
25. [zhuan1shan4], v.t., specialize in, be especially good at (playing flute, etc.); take things into one's own hands, act without authorization from superior.
26. [zhuan1xin1], adv., with concentration, devoted purpose.
27. [zhuan1xiu1], v.i., to specialize in study: 英文修學校 school of English, or specially for English only.
28. 使 [zhuan1shi3], n., special emissary of government.
29. [zhuan1si1], v.t., see [zhuan1ren4]↑.
30. [zhuan1cai2], n., specialist, person specially good at s.t.
31. [zhuan1ci2], n., temple specially in honor of s.o.
32. [zhuan1ye4], n., special vocation.
33. [zhuan1yi1], adv., with single mind and purpose.
34. [zhuan1yUan2], n., an official (“specialist”) attached to some ministry for a temporary or nominal job.





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