

ㄒㄩㄝˊ [xUe2 (*ㄒㄧㄠˊ [xiao2). [Abbr. ]
N.(1)  Learning, knowledge: 求 go to school, pursue studies;
(LL) to pursue knowledge, inquiry;
之士 an erudite scholar (“full of learning”);
widely read.
(2)  A branch of study: 數, 天文 mathematics, astronomy;
自然科 natural science;
medicine, etc.
(3)  School, college: 小 elementary school;
secondary or high school;
college, university;
專科校 schools of different special arts or sciences (polytechnic, commerce, accounting, etc.);
職業校 professional or vocational school.
(4)  Course of education: 入 entrance to school;
be promoted to higher course of instruction;
study abroad;
fellow student, fellow alumnus, -ni;
,輟 drop out, stop schooling;
return to school;
V.i. & t.(1)  (Also *[xiao2]) to learn from (person), to imitate: 不上來 cannot learn (subject) or imitate (example);
不會 cannot learn;
嘴, [xUe2zui3], [xUe2she2]↓.
(2)  To learn and become: 壞了 learn from bad example or habit;
乖了 learn to be harmless, keep one's mouth shut, in gen., learn the ways of the world and be “a good boy.”
(3)  to study (some subject);
to learn (a skill): [xUe2xi2]↓;
如不及 study as if one could never learn enough;
買賣 learn a trade, be an apprentice;
禮貌 learn good manners;
無老少 never too old to learn;
,苦 study hard.
Words1. [xUe2an4], n., a work somewhat like national biography, limited to scholars and giving a resume with important quotations from their philosophical thoughts: e.g., 明儒案 devoted to scholars of Mirng period.
2. 伴兒 [xUe2ba4er0], n., school companion.
3. [xUe2cheng2], n., (1) course of studies; (2) scholastic record.
4. [xUe2qi2], n., a semester.
5. [xUe2e2], n., (1) capacity for number of students; (2) a scholarship.
6. [xUe2fei4], n., tuition, school fees.
7. [xUe2fen1], n., school marks.
8. [xUe2feng1], n., gen. atmosphere of a school or of the scholarly world; tendency of scholars of a certain period or generation.
9. [xUe2fu3], n., institution of higher learning; university or college circles.
10. [xUe2guan3], n., a private school for tutoring at home.
11. [xUe2hai3], phr., the sea of learning.
12. [xUe2hui4], n., a learned society.
13. [xUe2zhang3], n., (1) court. term of address among fellow students; (2) principal of a preparatory school.
14. [xUe2zhe3], n., a scholar, a learned man.
15. [xUe2zheng4], n., formerly, educational commissioner of a province.
16. [xUe2jie4], n., the educational circles, the literati collectively.
17. [xUe2jiu4], n., (contempt.) a man of limited knowledge, a type bred by the civil examinations confined to rigmarole knowledge of the Confucian classics: 老究,村究 a village schoolmaster.
18. [xUe2ji2]1, n., grade or year in school.
19. [xUe2ji2]2, n., record of registration in certain school or college.
20. [xUe2zhi4], n., educational system.
21. [xUe2ke1], n., branch of study in school or college (physics, etc.).
22. [xUe2li4]1, n., strength or depth of knowledge or lack of it.
23. [xUe2li4]2, n., curriculum vitae, a person's record of schooling.
24. [xUe2li3], n., scientific truth or its explanation, theory.
25. [xUe2ling2], n., a child's school age: 齡兒童 children of school age.
26. [xUe2ming2], n., (1) scientific or Latin term; (2) formerly, a man's registered name in school, dist. 乳名 pet name at home.
27. [xUe2nian2], n., an academic year.
28. [xUe2pai4], n., school of thought.
29. [xUe2ren2], n., scholar; academic circles.
30. [xUe2she4], n., school building.
31. [xUe2sheng0], n., (1) student, pupil; (2) sometimes used as self-reference vis-?vis elder or scholar.
32. 舌 *[xiao2she2], v.i., carry gossip.
33. [xUe2xiao4], n., school, used generally. of many types, see N.3↑.
34. [xUe2xing4], n., scholarship and conduct (usu. of students at school).
35. [xUe2xi2], v.i. & t., (1) to learn (sciences, arts, technique, etc.); learn from (models); (2) ([xUe2xi0]) to copy, learn (bad habits).
36. [xUe2shu4], n., learning, scholarship in gen., but esp. with respect to thought: 術界 academic circles; n., 術論文 learned essays, scientific papers.
37. [xUe2shuo1], n., theory of a school of thought; (2) [xiao2shuo0], v.i., repeat what s.o. has said: 這一篇話是他說他我聽了 I heard all this from him , as he repeated it.
38. [xUe2shi4]1, n., (1) the learned class in gen.; (2) formerly, official title of high rank: 翰林士 Hanlin academician; 某殿士 councillor of certain high councils; (3) a modern college graduate, B.A.
39. [xUe2shi4]2, n., insight, understanding: 有無識 (a person) knows a great deal of books but lacks insight and discrimination.
40. [xUe2tang2], n., school (now more commonly called [xUe2xiao4]↑).
41. [xUe2tu2], n., (1) student; (2) (oft. *[xiao2tu2]) one learning a trade in shop, apprentice.
42. [xUe2tong2], n., school childern in gen.
43. [xUe2zui3] (*[xiao2zui3]), v.i., repeat gossip, see [xUe2she2]↓.
44. [xUe2zi3], n., (LL) a student, scholar.
45. [xUe2wen4], n., knowledge, learning, scholarship.
46. [xUe2wei4], n., academic degree.
47. [xUe2wu4], n., as in 務大臣(19th cen.) minister of education.
48. [xUe2yang4], v.i., copy or imitate s.o.’s example.
49. [xUe2ye4], n., a person's studies, esp. school or college studies.
50. [xUe2yi4], n., gen. term for academic studies and the arts.
51. [xUe2you3], n., schoolmate, fellow alumni.
52. [xUe2yUan4], n., an independent college, an institute of learning.
53. [xUe2yUan2], n., member of an institution of learning; (court.) student.





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