释义 |
一一 | 430A25 30.30 | 部居
 | 畫數 1 | ㄧ [yi1] | In sp. pr. | *[yi4] before all tones except the 4th (-h-): 一天,一頭,一體 ([yi4tian1], [yi4tou2], [yi4ti3]); *[yi2] before the 4th tone and before unaccented syllable: 一步,一次 [yi2bu4], [yi2ci4].
| Pron. | (1) The number one “1” in numbering series (1,2,3,) : point or item one: 一,二,三 also 第一,第二,第三 first, second, third; 一則,二則 firstly, secondly, used in presenting different aspects of a situation; 一月 January; 一二八事變 , n., The Shanghai Incident of January 28, 1932; 一…一 one…the other: 一臧一否 (LL) one good and the other bad; 一方面 one aspect only, on the one hand; 一個回合 one bout, one round; 一則以喜,一則以懼 in one way, it is a cause for joy, in another, a matter of concern (said of parent's age); 不一而足 there are more than one; 一無,一不 or一…不 not one; 一無所知 (person) knows not a thing; 一無足取 not one good thing to be said about it; 一竅不通 an absolute blockhead; 一毛不拔 will not give a cent (to charity), lift a finger to help; 獨一無二 the one and only; 統一 unified control; 合一,合而為一 united as one. (2) Once: 一之為甚,其可再乎 once is bad enough; 可一不可再 once is forgivable, not twice. (3) One principle: 一以貫之 one principle runs through it all.
| Adj. | (1) One: 一天,一人,一物, one day, one person, one thing; 一一 one by one, see 一意 [yi1yi4]↓; 一神論 monotheism; 一二 or 一兩個 one or two, a couple: 一兩天 a couple of days; 一二十打 one or two dozens; 一二(兩)百 a couple of hundred; 一二朋友 one or two friends; 一來二去 gradually; 一差二錯 one or two mistakes; 一長兩短 should there be some unfortunate happenings; 一五一十 (descriptive) reckoning, enumerating on and on; coupled with 半 meaning inadequately: 一知半解 know only superficially; 一年半載 in a year or so; 一顰一笑 every twinkle and smile; the slightest of facial expression; 一笑置之 dispose it with a smile; 一文不值 to be not worth the paper on which it is written; not worth a cent; 一言難盡 it's a long story (to tell). (2) Each, a: 一桌十人 ten persons a table; 一舉一動 each and every move (is being watched, etc.); 一天三頓飯 three meals a day. (3) Another: 蟬一名知了 another name for cicada is 知了. (4) All, completely: 一心一意 with all one's heart and mind; 一年到頭 all the year round; 一身都是膽 the whole body is one mass of courage; 一律,一概 [yi1lU4], [yi1gai4]↓; 一向 all along, always, consistently, used to; completely, entirely: 一如,一似 [yi1ru2], [yi1si4]↓; 一塌 [yi1ta1]↓; 一乾二淨 completely cleaned out; 一清二白 completely clear; 一敗塗地 utter failure or defeat, completely wiped out. (5) So, such, to such extent: 一至 [yi1zhi4]1; 一何愚也 why so foolish? (6) Same, together: 一同 [yi1tong2]↓; 其揆一也 the principles are the same; 一模一樣 look exactly alike; 一家人 (we are) of the same family or clan; 一丘之貉 foxes of the same hole (said of scoundrels “of the same ilk”); 一鼻孔出氣 say exactly the same thing (by collusion); 一視同仁 treat all alike without discrimination.
| Adv. | (1) Once (like Eng. “once” it is also used as conj.): 一見不忘 once seen, never forgotten; 一失足成千古恨 (of a girl) once she takes a false step, she will regret it eternally; 歲一不登 once the harvest fails (people will starve); 一不做,二不休 once it is started, go through with it; 一見傾心 fall in love at first sight; 一見如故 feel like old friends at the first meeting; 一望而知 one glance and you know; 一說便知 once said it becomes clear; 一鳴驚人 make one's mark at the first shot, win popularity with the first work; 天氣一冷 the moment the weather gets cold; 一聽見這話 the moment one hears it. (2) A little: 看一看 just have a look; 嘗一嘗 just have a taste (of food); 試一試 have a try at it; 試一試看 try and see; 裡邊一瞧 one swift look inside; 用手一摸 just touch (s.t.) with the hand. (3) 一…一 alternately: 一張一弛 tense up and relax alternately.
| Words | 1. 一般(兒) [yi4ban1] ([yi1ba1er0]), adj. & adv., (1) alike, just as (pretty, disgusting, etc.): 一般模樣 the same appearance; (2) general: 一般人 the common run of men, the average man or men; 一般社會 society in gen. 2. 一併 [yi2bing4], adv., together, along: 一併帶走 take it along with others. 3. 一切 [yi2qie4], adj. & adv., all, the whole (contents, members, funds, things). 4. 一起(兒) [yi4qi3] ([yi4qie1er0]), adj., (mix, live) together: 常在一起 are always together. 5. 一齊 [yi4qi2], adv., together (go, walk, die, get rich, etc.). 6. 一旦 [yi2dan0], adv. & conj., once (s.t. should happen): 一旦死了 should s.o. die one day. 7. 一道兒 [yi2dao4er0], adv., (walk, go) together (“same route”). 8. 一得 [yi4de2], phr., 愚者千慮,必有一得 (court.) a stupid person may once in a while have a good idea. 9. 一點(兒) [yi4dian3] ([yi1diaaer0]), adj. & adv. & n., little, just a little, a small amount: 一點兒不怕 not the least bit afraid; 一點兒不錯 absolutely right. 10. 一定 [yi2ding4], adj. & adv., certain, -ly. 11. 一丟點兒 [yi4diu1diaaer0], adj. & adv. & n., just a tiny bit. 12. 一堆兒 [yi4dueer0], (1) n., a heap, a pile (of things); (2) adv., (eat, work) together. 13. 一概 [yi2gai4], adj. & adv. & n., all, without exception: 一概不准 all forbidden; 一概而論 to lump together. 14. 一個個 [yi2ge0ge1], pron., each one, every one. 15. 一貫 [yi2guan4], adj., consistent (policy). 16. 一共 [yi2gong4], (1) adv., together (eat at the same table, etc.); (2) n., total amount, number: 一共六個人 altogether six persons. 17. 一古腦兒 [yi2gu2nao3er0], adv. & n., altogether the whole lot (stolen, etc.). 18. 一忽兒 [yi4hu1er0], n., in a short moment. 19. 一晃兒 [yi4huang3er0], n., in a flash. 20. 一會兒 [yi2hui4] ([yi2hueer0]), n., in a short moment: 請坐一會兒 sit down for a moment; 一會兒哭,一會兒笑 cry one moment and laugh the next. 21. 一回兒 [yi4huerer0], adv. & n., ditto. 22. 一家 [yi4jia1], phr., same family: 咱們是一家人 we are of the same family. 23. 一己 [yi4ji3], adj., personal, private (affairs), opp. 公 public. 24. 一至 [yi2zhi4]1, adv., to such extent: 何以一至於此極 how or why come (fail, suffer) to such extreme? 25. 一致 [yi2zhi4]2, adj. & adv., unanimous, -ly (support, approve, etc.). 26. 一直 [yi4zhi2], adv., consistently (appear, disappear), continually (absent, defiant, etc.). 27. 一刻 [yi2ke4], n. & adv., a moment: 一刻不停 never stop for a moment. 28. 一塊兒 [yi2kua4er0], adv., (eat. work) together. 29. 一溜煙兒 [yi4liu4yan1] ([yi4liu4ya1er0]), adv., (slink) away and disappear (without permission or news). 30. 一硫化 [yi4liu2hua1], n., (chem.) sulfide: 一硫化二銅 cuprous sulfide. 31. 一零兒 [yi4ling2er0], n., adv., see [yi4diaaer0]↑. 32. 一弄兒 [yi2long4er0], adv., (coll.) the whole lot; altogether. 33. 一律 [yi2lU4], adv., all, without exception (stopped, forbidden, etc.). 34. 一面 [yi2mian4], (1) n. adjunct, 一面鼓,一面旗 a drum, a flag; [yi2mian4], (2) adj. & adv. & n., one-sided (argument, view): 一面之緣 the pleasure of having met once; 獨當一面 (of officeholder) take charge as chief. 35. 一仍 [yi4reng2], adv., still, as ever, see 仍 91A.50. 36. 一日 [yi2ri4], adv., one day; such a day: 總有一日 there'll be one day when…; 較一日之長 let's see who is the better of the two of us. 37. 一晌 [yi2shang3], n., a short moment. 38. 一身 [yi4shen1], phr., whole body: 一身一口 a bachelor living singly. 39. 一生 [yi4sheng1], n. & adv., the whole life, for the past whole life. 40. 一下子 [yi2xia4zi0], adv., all at once. 41. 一些 [yi4xie1], n., little, a few: 一些著涼 catch a little cold. 42. 一順 [yi4shun4], adv., (dial.) see [yi4zhi2]↑; 一順兒,一順子 straight (ahead, east, etc.). 43. 一時 [yi4shi2], adv., for a time, temporarily: 一時疏忽 (apologetic) it was an oversight at that time; 一時不能去 for the time being I cannot get away. 44. 一似 [yi2si4], adv., just like (being home, etc.). 45. 一塌 [yi4ta1], adv., completely: 一塌糊塗 is in a complete mess; 一塌括子 (Shanghai dial.) completely, the whole amount. 46. 一頭 [yi4tou2], adv., (1) along with s.t. else: 一頭走,一頭哭 weeps as one walks along; 東一頭西一頭亂跑 run about in all directions; (2) suddenly: 一頭碰見 suddenly met; (3) a whole headful: 一頭株花 (wears) pearl decorations all over her hair. 47. 一從 [yi2cong2], adv., ever since (=自從), also 一自 [yi2zi4]↓. 48. 一次 [yi2ci4], adv., one time, once: 頭一次 the first time. 49. 一同 [yi4tong2], adv., (go, work) together. 50. 一統 [yi4tong3], n., unification (of country); centralization, uniformity (of ideas, beliefs). 51. 一早兒 [yi4zao3er0], adv., in early morning. 52. 一再 [yi2zai4], adv., again and again. 53. 一昨 [yi4zuo2], adv., (LL) yesterday. 54. 一總 [yi2zong3], adv. & n., altogether, the whole amount. 55. 一自 [yi2zi4], adv., since. 56. 一往 [yi4wang3], phr., 一往情深 deeply attached (to s.o.). 57. 一味(兒) [yi2wei4] ([yi2weher0]), adv., persistently, doggedly: 一味兒讀書 study devotedly; 一味兒玩 just keep on playing; 一味兒與他反對 persistently oppose him. 58. 一氧化 [yi4yang3hua4], n., (chem.) monoxide: 一氧化碳 carbon monoxide; 一氧化二氮 nitrogen monoxide. 59. 一樣 [yi2yang4], adj. & adv., same, just as (convenient, etc.): 還不是一樣 is it not just the same? 60. 一一 [yi4yi1], adv., one by one (count, explain, etc.). 61. 一意 [yi2yi4], adv., (1) with complete devotion, full concentration; (2) stubbornly: 一意孤行 self-opinionated, self-willed. 62. 一元論 [yi4yUan2lun4], n., monism.